Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I find out the neatest stuff on Wikipedia!

Hi again :)
So, as you noticed, I took a couple days off my blog. Eh, just needed the break plus...YOU try coming up with something interesting, insightful or plain dirty to blog about every day!

I read an article a few weeks back on yahoo about eye color and what the most common color is. I guessed brown and I was right. Blue followed that along with hazel. What suprised me was the rare color.

Can you guess? GREEN! Green is the rarest color with according to one article (had to start looking after the first article) with only 4% of the world's population. I and my mother have green eyes. I just thought it was cool that there was something rare about me :) The article also said that green eyes are the result of "low to moderate amounts of melanin". This can make them very sensitive to light. Im no exception to that. I try not to go out doors during the high part of the day, its just too damn bright! Makes sense for me to live in AZ eh? Oh well.

So, the picture is my eyes! Digital cameras can be cruel in that they see EVERY detail! The lighting was so nice though, I was inspired to try to take this pict.
Feel free to comment (be nice)
Have a wiki link! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_color

Friday, December 26, 2008

Ham and bean soup

Hey there, how are both of you doing?

Im ok, STILL downing vitamin C and sudafed like its going out of style. Im so tired of being sick. Damn cold!

Well, hubby felt bad for me so he decided to make ham and bean soup with the leftover ham we got sent home with from christmas dinner. He substituted the ham and some bacon for the ham hock, but it came out really good. Mild and subtle, but definatly ham and bean

Here is the recipe, from www.alrecipes.com

Basic Ham and Bean Soup

1 pound dry great northern beans
8 cups water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 ham hock (hubby used bacon)
1 cup chopped carrots
1/2 stalk celery, chopped
1 cup chopped onion
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon mustard powder (we used a teaspoon of regular yellow mustard)
2 bay leaves
2 cups chopped ham
1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper

1. Rinse the beans, sorting out any broken or discolored ones. In a large pot over high heat, bring the water to a boil. Add the salt and the beans and remove from heat. Let beans sit in the pot for at least 60 minutes
2. After the 60 minutes of soaking, return the pot to high heat and place the ham bone, carrots, celery, onion, garlic, mustard and bay leaves in the pot. Stir well, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer for 60 more minutes.
3. Remove ham bone and discard. Stir in the chopped ham and simmer for 30 more minutes. Season with ground wight pepper to taste.
makes 9 servings

This is a really good soup for those cold nights, like tonight (36 in Tucson! WTF!)
Hubby loves to cook, and I'm happy to let him be my "food bitch".

"don't worry, be happy!"

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Oh my! I'm tired :)

Just got home from Christmas with my husband's family. Great people and a lot of fun. Ham and Turducken, not the best for my stomach but I was conservative so I'm doing well.

Hubby and his brother love to get into long philosophical conversation about politics, history and religion. This of course starts when hubby says "Im tired, let's go home". Well, half an hour later...discussion about the ramifications of the new Pope on the modern catholic church (BIL is catholic, hubby isn't). As we are leaving (45 min later) they start talking about how in some congregations of the catholic church, they do not allow a celebate marriage. You have to be able to consumate the marriage or they refuse to marry you. He talked of a couple who had their marriage request denied because he was a paraplegic and was unable to "seal the deal". You know me, I look at him and say "Well, there are other types of sex, doesn't that count?" No he said, only tab A into slot B counted.

can you guess what it made me think of? Yep, "Licking carpet"
The photo is from South Park episode 111-Tom's Rhinoplasty
It has the fantastic line "My mom said if you want to become a lesbian you have to lick carpet"

It made me laugh and then remember one of the filthiest, funniest songs on the subject of-Cunnilingus. Come on, if we are continuing to be open minded about our bodies, let us use the proper word. Not sure what the word is? Well, it is when a person uses their tounge to sexually stimulate the genitalia of a woman. Again, if I am not up front and honest about this, it makes me no better than people who refuse to talk about masterbating.

Well, the song is by a group called The Yeastie Girls. It is called "You Suck". It came out in the early 90's-AIDS was scary, killing and spreading. This song kind of came as a response to the fear of other "types of sexual fulfillment".
(If you are still here stop laughing for a second and take a breath-that's better)
Here is a link for the song on youtube.

here are the lyrics...


Yeah, I know I had the actual lyrics posted here, but my mom wanted to check out my blog, and I didnt want to scare her toooo much *evil grin*

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry almost Christmas!

Yep, Im sitting here blogging instead of cleaning my house. How many people the world over are franticly cleaning in anticipation of "THE RELATIVES"? I remember as a girl, my grandparents coming for Christmas. My mother would say that grandma was coming to look at my room so make sure it looks how you want it to look. Yeah well, things parents say stick in a kids mind you know... So now, my mother and father are coming for breakfast. Its a tradition I started a couple years ago. Hubby has a large family here and we usually have the large meal with them. Making breakfast for my parents is my way of having something special just for them.

Family. I was thinking about that today-you know, as I did the headless chicken dance to finish my shopping. My grandmother (father's mom) passed away 3 years ago. I didnt see her as much as I should have. I have regret for that.

My grandma rocked-she was the lone liberal in a houseful of millitary conservatives. She wouldnt hesitate to mutter "SHIT!" or tell my father to shut up. She didnt take crap but she was the most loving, giving and caring person Ive ever known. I like to think I take after her with my easy going attitude about people and life in general. She loved without condition. My mom talks about how when I was born, my father called her and she got to hear me cry. When she saw me, she said I would be Miss America. Well, that kinda went out the window with among other things, the fact that Im only 5'3" and not a stick figure. Besides, Im too much like her to put on a fake smile and parade in a bathing suit. Way too misogenistic for me. A body is just that, a shell. It's packaging. What is on the inside is so much more important than the facade the world sees.

I hope that she is looking down on me with her pretty smile. I know that she's proud me. I really miss her.

Hold your loved ones close this Christmas, no matter how crazy they make you. Our time with them is finite.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Double clicking the mouse??

So-If you can't be a grown up about, certain subjects-best to go to another blog now...

Topic of tonights thoughts
Songs about "lovin' yourself"!

My hubby totally suprised me with a new stereo for Christmas! Now, I can listen to cd's, mp3, high def radio, digital radio in my car! Im so stoked-I dont have to listen to local stations anymore :)

So tonight, hubby and I went cruzing, after all, we HAD to drive a while to appreciate the new stereo, right? Well, we are listening to a mix cd when "She Bop" starts. We started discussing songs about, well, you know.
Slaping the salami
Spanking the monkey
Rosie and her five sisters
and on and on
oh, and my favorite phrase for it-"double clicking your mouse" from American Pie-btw, I recommend a couple shots of tequila right before you watch that movie. It's funny sober yes, but a bit buzzed-fall on the floor and roll funny!

but I digress, we were talking about masterbation songs right (oops I said the naughty word!)

Others we thought of:
Turning Japanese - The Vapors
I Touch Myself - Divinyls
Longview - Green Day
My Ding a Ling - Chuck Berry
Darling Nikki - Prince
Orgasim Addict - the Buzzcocks
Dancing with Myself - Billy Idol
Blister in the Sun - Violent Femmes
The Stroke - Billy Squire
Relax - Frankie goes to Hollywood
Stacy's Mom - Fountains of Wayne
Icicle - Tori Amos
Elvis Costello - Pump it Up

Oh, I know there are more, but I figure that's a healthy list for you to search youtube with.

We get soo hung up about sex in the US. "Oh GOD, my little boy doesn't do THAT!" Well, let's be honest. Boys discover their "third arm" at what, like a month old? After that, it's all "downhill" or down torso... "GIRLS don't do THAT!" Oh hell yes, girls DO do that. Masterbation is a natural part of discovering your body. While you MIIGHT believe a girl that says she hasn't EVER, maybe, but most men? No, probably not. But that's ok! It just means that men are very in touch (no, I really didn't mean that as a pun, but it would be a good one) with their sexuality and what their responses to sexual stimulation are. Women can be more shy about it. Another line from American Pie that rings true "Have you ever, you know...had an orgasm?" " I'm not sure" "that's a no". If you don't know if you have had one, you haven't.

Honestly, I wish we were more open about this part of human sexuality. Not going as far as instruction in school of course, but just not demonizing it. Teaching that it is normal and everyone does it I think would go much further than "if you touch yourself, you will go blind, get acne and grow hair from your palms".

Oh well, at least I'm open minded about it. Yeah, I know, total shock right? If I want people to be open minded about it, I gotta start somewhere. Why not here? After all, I have a worldwide influence over my 4 readers ;)
Peace and love!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ravel's Bolero

Another sunday come and gone. My little cat Molly is begging to come and be my wrist rest. I sit here listening to Ravel's Bolero. I dont remember the first time I heard this, maybe the Olympics? Not sure. I know I was really young. I listen to how it builds, adds, evolves...

Starts with the single flute and just a tint of cello-the begining of life
little build, a single horn?
the flute stays its familiar course. Like how we build memories on a foundation
add a clarinet, another layer
a little more violin, building
now drums, gently
the same melody, interchanging between the flute and clarinet
several flutes
building building

It amazes me every time I hear this piece of music that I hear something different. It occured to me tonight that this beautiful piece is a lifetime in 15 minutes. From the simple start through growing, learning, changing to the finale
and then silence


Have you listened to it lately? This version is a little different than the one I have on my cd (I think it starts with an obo instead of a flute), but still amazing

Friday, December 19, 2008

Let's do the Time Warp again!

Ahh, does that bring back memories... Yes, I will freely admit it, my claim to "acting" fame is that I performed for a year and a half in the local cast of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I was a "Magenta"-basically, I was the maid that didnt get completly naked! My fiance (back then, now hubby) was a "Brad" and a "Riff Raff". I remember our fellow castmates thought it was cool that their Magenta and Riff were getting married. God, how many Sundays did I go to work half asleep because I performed Saturday and hadnt gotten to bed before 4am??? WAAAAY to many LOL!

Thing I loved about doing Rocky, you were accepted no matter what. You could go in a leather corset, fishnets and stilletos and be a GUY and they would love you for it. I enjoyed yelling at the movie, singing along, dancing and throwing toilet paper. I used to say that Rocky was good clean filthy fun. You didnt need booze or drugs to have a blast. You could be WAAAY over the top of overt sexuality and no one thought anything of it. God, I remember going to a show in Phoenix, hubby and I in costume, and him biting my neck with the entire theater cheering him on. Hmm, good memory ;) It's been a while since we went to Rocky. Maybe I should go...

Things to take to the Rocky Horror Picture Show
water gun
toilet paper
and a strong sense of fun!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New CPAP cushions to Etsy

Howdy ho neighbooroonies!

Well, I finally got off my butt (yeah right, like I ever stop!) and got some more cpap cushions up to etsy. I got 3 new sets up last night before I was too tired to do anymore-posting at midnight-hmmm, no wonder I was tired. Here is a link to one of them http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=18800385 I have (I think) 10 different patterns done, with more in the shopping bags, waiting to be cut down. Fleece is hard to resist! Tactially, it is so pleasurable to work with. Its easy going-soft, warm, flexible, forgiving. Besides, with millions of colors and patterns-I will never get bored!

I hate being bored.

I think that was part of the reason I stayed at my last job so long. Retail hell sure. Retail management-another level of hell. But you know, even in hell, I was never bored. I used to say that my job was constant craft hour, that it changed from one day to the next. I never knew what new challenge was waiting for me.

Well, I gained a reputation over the years of being able to do almost anything. Having that reputation can be its own curse. I was expected to pull the impossible out of my ass! I even had customers waiting in the parking lot for me when I arrived at work... Let me tell you, nothing is quite like getting out of your car at 7:30 in the morning, coffee in one hand, purse in the other, and having someone barge up to you and say "I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU! I WANT ____". People, I havent had my coffee. Coffee is what made dumb bearable. So you can imagine my mood if someone interupted my coffee.

Yeah, not pretty.

Oh well, now life is better! No retail, no customers, no register, no nametag, no uniform. Peace and quiet which lets me crank work out. I still get my constant craft hour, but without the innane "How do you make the copier work". I always wanted to answer "press the damn button, just like the last 10 times you used it" but Im too nice, I never did. Just goes to show, you can lead a horse to water but you cant teach him how to use a copier. Ever.

I have tons of copy center manager stories, anyone interested?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Oh Nathan! Captain Tightpants himself LOL!

Hi to all my (2) readers!
Sitting and relaxing after lunch. Notice how I write a lot after and during lunch? Inspiration or spare time?? Maybe some of both.

So, I found another favorite food that I have become sensitive to. It breaks my heart, but I regretfully have to add Spagettios to the ever increasing list of foods to avoid. I dont have a gall bladder. The gall bladder helps you digest fats. Well, I lost mine at 21. Now, its a FEW ;) years later. I never used to have sensitivities, even though they warned me that I would. That all changed about 3 years ago. First food on the list, POPCORN! I had terrible nausea and stomach pain after eating popcorn. Took me a bit to figure out that the popcorn was the culprit.

Now, I have to avoid fried foods. REALLY avoid them! I stopped at a Wendys for a soda last month and the smell coming out the window about made me sick right there. Drove PAST an Arbys the other day, I had to plug my nose. Maybe the catalyst was being really sick a few years ago. Three weeks in a hospital can change a person I guess. Since then, my lungs are much more delicate. I am super sensitive to smells. Not any of that have to live in a glass room stuff, but strong perfumes, B.O., cigarette smell or smoke and of course, cooking oil - not only makes me ill but can give me trouble breathing. *Sigh* I guess the lesson is to be careful about what you eat BEFORE your body MAKES you!
What do you think? What makes you ill that you used to love?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nice Day Today

Hi Friends
I love Sundays. They are so peaceful and quiet. I guess my not having kids does factor into the "peace" aspect... I went to a horse show yesterday which was fun. Got to go out to a friend's house out past the Tucson Mountains. She has some of the prettiest views of the desert. Its funny to me how people see the word "desert" in their minds. The word usually brings visions of sand dunes and cow skeletons. If you have never been to Tucson you dont know. The desert is beautiful, alive and GREEN! We are in a cooler season right now so we have these beautiful crisp clear days. Lows in the 40's highs in the mid 70's. The sky is so blue you could just stare at it for hours. The best part, sunsets. I know, I've talked about sunsets here before. This is another one of those things I could describe but those descriptions do no justice. I took several picts for the benefit of a new friend who has never been to Tucson and posted them on my Facebook. The sunset that I caught with my camera yesterday, simply amazing. Winter sunsets are not usually like this one. Ones like this are usually seen during monsoon in june july and august. Those are accompanied by stunning electrical storms and warm rain. The Saguaro National Monument during a monsoon sunset is one of the things that should be on that list of things to see before you die.

In any case, this one was...wow. What do you think? Let me know! It's nice to know if someone likes my blog much less is reading it! ;)
Peace and cheer!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Interesting stuff on gas prices in Tucson, AZ

So, Ive been keeping track over the last several fill ups on my car, just to see what the trending looked like for pricing. I have a 2000 Toyota RAV 4. I think this is interesting and a little scary. Here are my results...


10/25/08 2.699/gal purchased 11.76 gal for a total of $31.71
11/8/08 2.329/gal purchased 12.88 gal for a total of $30.00
11/23/08 1.89/gal purchased 12.17 gal for a total of 23.01
12/7/08 1.659/gal purchased 11.45 gal for a total of 19.00

so over the course of 45 days, the price per gallon dropped almost $1! To think 3 or 4 months ago I paid $3.97...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Lunch is Gross

Sittin here, bored, works all done, eatin lunch. I usually like the healthy choice steaming bowls but today its kinda grossing me out. I guess you shouldnt try to eat general tao chicken and rice on a stomach that is just recovering from the flu...Yeah I know, stupid stupid stupid. Oh well, I can fish the chicken out and I will survive.

We finally turned the heater on last night. It was 64 in the house, my teeth are chattering and I said ENOUGH time to turn it on. Why is it every year when you go to turn on the furnace you can never remember how to do it? I have to read the damn instructions every time-and we've lived here 5 years! Humph! Anyway, it's now up and running and my house is a nice 73 degrees. Ive been wanting to sew but its just too darn cold in there. Now at least I don't see my breath. (God, this rice is yucky) So that means I will probably miss the christmas season shoppers on etsy.

To be honest Ive been a little burned out. I needed the mental holiday. Besides, I am now over one year free from retail hell, Im actually in the Christmas spirit! Let me tell you, working retail at Christmas will crush the very essence of the spark of the Christmas spirit right out of your soul. Typically, I wouldnt get into the spirit untill January. Say Merry Christmas to someone on Jan 5th and see all the strange looks you get LOL! Oh god, how many years did I wear a santa hat to work just to try to cheer myself into the season, only to be crushed with "but WHHYYYY cant I buy the super value special laptop!?! Your ad says that every store has at least 5!" This from the idiot that comes in at 3 in the afternoon on black friday, expecting every super sale item to be just sitting there with a big frickin bow on it just for them. Did you hear about the Walmart employee that was trampled to death by frickin black friday assholes? They broke the door down and ran him over. For what? OOHHH a 37" HDTV for $299-that Wii that is on sale?? Things people, these are things. And because of those things, that man will not spend his holiday with his family. His family will have to live through every holiday for the rest of their lives knowing that Daddy died because of greedy bargain hunting black friday shoppers. Makes me sick, can you tell? I remember my last Black Friday working at Office Depot. I took a camera and took pictures of the line that had been waiting since 9pm the night before and the crazy people rushing in and waiting in line. I remember someone cussing at me and saying "put the camera down and get me ___". I dont even remember what the creep wanted. I do remember forever the crazyness. If you are interested, here is a link to the pictures http://good-times.webshots.com/album/556012882TKDBVz

Ok, my lunch is still gross, so I have to go toss it and get back to work. Have a great day and feel free to comment so I dont feel like I'm talking to myself here!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Quiet mood tonight

Hi again
it's me...
but you knew that already

I am finally recovering from the flu. I am sitting here, in the quiet with David Lanz "Variations on a theme from Pachelbel's Canon". You can hear it too
This is such a beautiful piece of music. You can just close your eyes and feel the days stress flow out of you. I guess Im feeling introspective as well as cold. Hubby is off to get new filters for the heater so I can use my sewing room. Right now, it's an arctic zone. I have never handled cold well. Snow is something best watched on tv. My fingers just lock up and I have a terrible time warming them up again. In the words of the great Gloria Gainer I will survive.

So Im just sitting here, thinking...

Driving home tonight I finally remembered the name of the album of Piano music I bought back in 91 at the Nature Conservancy. It was Return to the Heart by David Lanz. I remember I bought it while I was in art school. I got it on cassette and listened to it in class. Might as well say back in the stone age, when we had the big personal cassette players with the headphones (no ear buds back then unless you broke the headphones and took the speaker part out and shoved THAT into your ear).

But the music was so beautiful

Check it out and let me know what you think!

Found a quote in a book at the thrift store today
"There is no chance, no desitiny, no fate
that can circumvent or hinder or control
the firm resolve of a determined mind"

Just a slip of typewritten paper, yellow with age-but still powerful.
Peace be with you all

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Eva Cassidy

Have you heard of Eva Cassidy? She was a singer songwriter with an amazing crystal clear soprano voice. She died of melanoma at age 33 in 1996. I stumbled on her while looking at etsy forums. The topic was what song moves you... Many many people said her rendition of Over the Rainbow was the most beautiful and touching thing they had ever heard. I looked her up on youtube and discovered her breathtaking voice. This version of Over the Rainbow is amazing. She died so young and was virtually unheard of before her death.


True to form, blogger isnt letting me imbed the video, so copy paste.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Where have I been Joe DiMaggio....

Hi everyone-all what, 2 or 3 of you? Ah, its all good.

So, what has happened since last I wrote, hmm let me see. Well, we finally told the Bushies where to go and elected Mr Barack Obama as our 44 president. How wonderful and awe inspiring is that really! I have always been a proud American but this made me proud of Americans. We finally stood up and said NO MORE. Makes me smile. Im looking forward to watching Obama work.

You know, I didn't care for Clinton. I found him a bit "used car salesman-ish". All the crap with Lewinski, so stupid. He got several blow jobs in his office by an intern... How many times has that happened in offices across the nation? Hell, it probably wasnt the first time in the Oval office. Sounds like some guys idea of the ultimate naughty sexcapade-a BJ in the president's office. The rest of the world looked at us like we were insane. And then there was W. The first time I saw him on tv when he was running for president I turned to my mother and said "that guy is a criminal, you just don't know what he did yet". She said he was a good christian man. He never fooled me. I saw through to the small minded unintellegence that he embodied. Before the war when they were rattling their sabers, hubby and I said "WAIT!!" but little W wanted his war so he made up WMD to help convince the masses that we should declare war. Iraq didnt have anything to do with 9/11 then or now. And now, in the last month of his presidency, he has regrets. I have regrets too. I regret that that man represented my country. I regret that so many have died-Americans, Iraqis, Afgahnis, and all the others in a war created by lies. I regret my little brother having to spend 2 tours of duty in Iraq. I regret that the GOP has made Christian synonymous with hate and Muslim synonymous with evil and enemy.

I digress though. This is past now, not our present. We should look to our future. The big bright one just on the horizon and a month away. It gives meaning to the audacity of hope, I have hope after so long I really do have hope.

Let's see, what else.... OH, I heard about this movie called Twilight coming out. I have always loved vampire stories-Interview with the Vampire is one of my favorite books. So I decided to read the book before seeing the movie. Went to Borders and discovered there were 4 books. Hmm Harry Potter all over again??? Naaah :) So on that sunday, I bought the first book. Tuesday after work I went back to get the second book. Thursday, the third. Sunday, I went back for the last book. I finished it Tuesday (after obsessing about going home to read for days). Very interesting series and fun storytelling. Check it out!

Anyway, I went to the movie. Dispite a few cheesy bits the story was there. I didnt drag hubby, I know better than to force a "chick flick" on him (HIS description). I thought the actor that played Edward perfect great in the role. His name is Robert Pattinson. I was interested in finding out a little more about him so I googled him (what did we do before google-libraries?? ACK!) He's a Londoner, which suprised me. I didnt know he was English. I didnt realize he was the same person that played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Saw a few interviews with him and the "English" is very evident. I have friends in England and he reminds me so much of them, especially Az, who is from London as well. Robert strikes me as shy and overwhelmed with the fandom that has attacked him. I would love to hear him talk about how something was "gorgeous" or "brilliant". The main thing is with all the fame over Edward, people (crazy fangirls camping days to see him) loose sight of the fact that he is a person. They create in their minds who they think he is and who they want him to be. That can make for a lonely guy who doesnt know who he can trust in a foreign country full of girls obsessed with him. Made me think what he could use the most was a friend. I am a married woman in love with my husband, so I dont want his body (yes, he is very handsome but please, Im old enough to be his very,very young mother LOL) but I wish him peace and serenity for dealing with the insanity.
And Robert, if you ever need a plaster or a kind words of a friend, you are welcome anytime. Yeah, I know...a little fangirl of me, but it is sincere.

Until my next novella

Thursday, October 23, 2008

OMG you gotta see this!


Ok, I tried to just link this video but it wouldnt work-grrr! So, highlight the link, hit ctrl and the letter c (copy), then highlight the address in your browser window, then hit ctrl and the letter v (paste)

This is a video of Ron Howard, Henry Winkler and Andy Griffith in support of Barack Obama

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

So, what does "Maverick" mean to you?

Picture is Samuel Agustus Maverick-the original Maverick

On the eve of the second presidential debate (GOOO OBAMA!) I came across a NY Times article on the origin of the word "maverick". I think its funny that the Maverick family thinks that McCain should find another word.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ok, More sharing!!


This is a link to the SNL spoof of the vice presidential debate. OMG funny!

Had to share this one!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Super new bag to etsy!

So I finally got my latest bag listed today! Here is a link


That skirt I made the bottom out of was a size 1. A size 1, I almost had to chop it up on general principle HAHA!

I am definately heading into busy season. I have a special order in for 7 bags right now, 2 special order model horse saddle pads and a special order of cpap cushions. Phew, makes me tired just thinking about it. Oh, and a model horse show which I am nooo where near ready for. I havent painted in months! The bags have been taking off to the point that I am a busy bee. Oh well, I like being busy, plus, I will have christmas money and enough after to finally get my tattoo-YEAH!

Wow, you're thinking, this far and no political rant... well, Im not gonna so there :P Maybe tomorrow???

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yummy Sandwich and Observations

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures
see Sarah Palin pictures

Howdy there! Thanks for stopping by. I just finished my lunch and it was gooood! I had Subway, double meat turkey on itallian herb and cheese, pepperjack cheese, spinach, jalapenos, avocado, onions, spicy mustard and chipoltle mayo. If you havent tried this combo I highly recommend it. Spinach is such a great alternative to iceburg lettuce. Iceburg is a nutritional zero while spinach is great for you and has a nice mild flavor.

Yeah I know, you are wondering where my rant is...

Well, today I have more of an observation than a rant. I was reading Yahoo at lunch (while munching on my yummy yummy sandwich) and came across this article


It talks about if Obama had chosen Hillary, if it would have lessened Palin's impact on the polls and women voters. It occurs to me that Palin was a choice made to attract women voters. She was chosen for her religion and her sex. She was NOT chosen because of her public service. She was tapped because of God and a uterus. Now, I don't know about you but I just don't think that's qualification for running a country.

I think it speaks to the shortsightedness of the McCain campaign. They picked someone who has the potential to get them elected. I wonder, you know, if hell freezes and McCain wins, what they will do with her after the election...

On the other hand, look at Joe Biden. Obama chose him because he has the experience to help run the country. By picking Biden, Obama is thinking about the job, not the election. It reminds me of a bride to be. Freaking out over the wedding, pouring over all the tiny details of the wedding ceremony and reception. She makes her loved ones crazy, trying to pick out the perfect bridesmaid dresses and agonizing over choosing fushia or raspberry for her special color. She works and cries and sweats to create the perfect day. The frenzy builds and builds until it becomes a whirlwind of insanity... and then its over. She is married. She worried so much about the wedding that she forgot all about the marriage.

Obama chose a partner to help with the truly monumental task ahead of the next president. McCain chose a partner who will get him to that "perfect day", but after...who is truly qualified to be in this job?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Interesting article and new stuff to etsy!

This is my latest journey into crazytown! I was chatting with a nice lady on etsy, www.quayandco.etsy.com when we started discussing new pincushions. She asked for ideas and the first thing out of my fingers was "severed foot!". She makes adorable pincushions but a severed foot was not her style. I asked her if she minded if I tried it and she said sure! Soo, here it is! Here is a link to the foot http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=14893312
I also made a disembodied brain pincushion and here is the link for it http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=14985483

Check them out!!

Interesting article on yahoo today discussing which political party is better for stockholders. You say that's easy, Republicans. Well then you really need to read this article, the answer will suprise you

My mind has been made up for over a year on my presidential pick
www.barackobama.com . I go a lot on first instinct with people, especially candidates for office. My first impression of W... I told my mother "That man is a criminal, you just don't know what he did yet." Her response was that he was a good Christian man.

If that's a good Christian I would hate to see a bad one! I didnt care for Clinton, Bill or Hillary. McCain is way too hot tempered and unpredictable-not to mention WAY to old for a first term president. Palin-all I can say is she is truly frightening. WWAAAYYY to extreme. I think the Republicans forget that the presidency is of the whole country, not just the right wing. I like Obama and Biden. Biden was my hubbys first choice for president. I get a solid vibe from Obama. He is not looking at the election but past it at the job to be done in trying to turn the country around. Biden is a strong statesman and vastly experienced in foreign policy and knows how to get things done in Congress. That says to me he will be able to work with Congress to improve the country.

Obama strikes me as that high school teacher who taught you so much, the one who really cared about the students and learning. You know the one Im talking about. He's the one who is in your memory for the rest of your life.

That's Obama to me.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

'Dem Crazy Republicans

So, anyone been watching the Republican crazy fest on tv? I swear, it just keeps getting better and better. First, we have the corpse-oh, I mean John McCain. What a sad life he has. Doesn't know how many houses he owns-oh wait, how many his WIFE owns. People, this isn't like my hubby not being able to tell someone how many pairs of earrings I own. A house isn't a whim purchase for a person. It sure wasn't for me! He is married to Plastic Surgery Barbie. Come on, I'm sure her surgeon is on speed dial (Oh, one of my boobs fell off-again!)

Cindy McCain is a very wealthy woman. She is not a self made business woman, her father died and left her the business. "Oh, but she increased the profits by a lot!" You know why? The population of Phoenix has doubled since her father died...more customers, more sales. She is a recovered adict. She was addicted to pain meds. You know how she got them?? Ms Philanthropy STOLE them from donated medication that was going from her foundation to third world countries. Love that charity!

John McCain of today is not the McCain of 2000. 2000 McCain would have kicked this bozo's ass! Every strong stand he had he has completely reversed to placate to the extreme christian right. How sad that he had to trade his ideals for a run at the presidency. You know what they should call this campaign? A retirement gift.

McCain is 72 years old. Let me repeat that, McCain is 72 years old. He has had not one or two but FOUR bouts with cancer. Four. He suffered 5 years of torture. Torture wears on a body and takes years off life span. All that, and he tapped Sarah Palin for VP. The ONE TERM governor of Alaska. She is pro gun, pro life, pro war, pro home schooling, pro drilling and the best one of all, anti sexual education. She thinks that abstinance only should be the ONLY sex ed kids get in school. Why oh why can't they learn one very basic and simple fact of the human condition-YOU CANNOT LEGISLATE MORALITY.

She and the whole bunch are such filthy hypocrytes. Abstance only doesnt work. She has proof of that IN HER HOUSE! Her 17 year old unwed daughter is pregnant. I thought good little christian girls waited...hmmm. Their response, "she is marrying the father, we are so happy for her, life happens, it is a private family matter". Who the hell are they kidding with that crap! Imagine for just a moment if it were Joe Biden's daughter in the same situation. Would they "respect his private family matter?" Oh HELL NO. They would be all over it like stink on poop! "What kind of a leader would he be, he cant even lead his family"....

They have succeded in making me ill.

Let me be very very basic.
Obama is a strong candidate. He chose Joe Biden, a statesman who has been in the senate LONGER THAN MCCAIN. Where Obama was weak, Biden is strong. They will work well together to move this country out of the pit the Republican's have dug.

McCain is a 72 year old 4 time cancer survivor. He was shot down while serving in Vietnam. He was tortured for 5 years. He chose a first term governor as a vp. Her foreign policy experience is control of a 24,ooo person national guard. She listed the PTA on her qualifications for vp. She was for the bridge to nowhere. She was a member of a group who were working for Alaskan independence-that means she wanted Alaska to LEAVE THE UNION! Love that patriotism...
Do you really want a person with this resume a heartbeat (of a 72 year old man) from the white house?

I'd put the bet on Biden any day of the week. Let the crazy sessionist soccer mom get about 15 years more of experience before putting her in this position.

I wonder if the Republicans really believe we are so stupid to vote for them just because they role out "TERRORISTS ARE GONNA GET YOU." Meanwhile our economy is tanking, gas is over $3.50 a gallon and our soldiers are dying in a war that should never have been in the first place. A family member of mine is going for a third tour in Iraq...

I know where my vote is going, do you?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fun crochet and knitting for Special Olympians

I was perusing etsy at lunch and I saw this posting. I love crochet and especially crochet for a good cause!

Here is the posting


Just wanted to pass this along for those of you who have not seen this wonderful opportunity to 'give back!'http://www.coatsandclark.com/Crafts/Crochet/Features/Special+Olympics.htmI LOVE this idea and it has a personal meaning to me. I am a Mom of a 19 yr old who has been involved in Special Olympics since elemtary school. This does make your heart sing, to know you are donating your time and talent to such a worthy cause..Go TEAM USA!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

I'm sitting at my desk laughing manically over www.punditkitchen.com where I found a ton of political LOL's including this one! Take you inhailer with you and check this one out!!

I am the featured artist in Zappy Turtle's blog!

Sometimes I am a bit sporadic in my entries. I have to kind of be inspired to write. With all my sewing and life outside crafting, alas I neglect my readers. Ive been thinking of writing about either politics or gay marriage now I just have to decide. Besides, there have to be several bajillion blog posts about them...

I have the honor of being the featured artist in Zappy Turtle's blog today! Here is the link http://zappyturtle.blogspot.com/

She makes fun and funky items with a recyclers flair. The stuff she can do with old records, man! Check her out at http://www.zappyturtle.etsy.com/

Have a super happy friday! If you are reeeealy good, I will post Mr. Booty's stupendous turkey chili receipe tonight-stay tuned!

"Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Sneeze and it's Goodbye Seattle!" Steve Martin, Roxanne

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Im In A Treasury!!!


Im in a Treasury West on Etsy! Gotta go check it out guys-its titled Trashion! Lots of great green items to see! I have purchased one of Mojo's coin purses and let me tell you-it gets a lot of compliments :)

Thank you so much to www.zappyturtle.etsy.com for putting me in this treasury! Zappy has lots of recycled items- including earrings made from vinyl records. Gotta check em out!!

Have a happy day!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Open Letter to my Brother

Hey man, Happy Birthday! Im sorry, your card is coming but will be a little late-typical me huh?

Well, I wanted to say something to you. We've known each other a long time (and keeps getting longer every year!) We have been through a lot together. How many screaming fights, you took this, I did that, etc etc. I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. You have grown into such a wonderful man. Caring, loving, responsible, honest, honorable. This is you.

The journey of life is amazing. We have to travel a long and sometimes hard road to get to where we are going. You've had a rocky road getting to where you are. I think God sometimes has to test us to see if we are ready for the good parts of life. Your first marriage was part of the path to find your soulmate. Without the difficulty of the first you wouldnt have been ready to recognize how wonderful your wife is. She is everything the first wasnt.

You are a daddy. You remember how hard things were growing up with our father. Thankfully he is so different now. Now he is a dad too. I've always said there is a difference between a daddy and a father. Your girls have a daddy.

The man you have become is what all men should strive for.

I sit here crying. I know you are being deployed to Iraq again in a month. It breaks my heart that you are going to miss Emily's birth. I am scarred for you even though you tell me I shouldn't be. It's silly to even tell us not to worry as you know that is impossible. I will just have to send lots of Cheetos, Pringles, batteries and bug spray. I hope you liked all the magazines and books. Ive started looking for books already.

Mom thinks I dont pray. I pray every day for your safety and prompt return. I pray for an end to this stupid war. I pray for hope. I pray for you.

I love you so much. Be safe, be careful, be alert. Most important, never stop being you.

Happy Birthday Bro!
Your sister

Saturday, July 19, 2008

New CPAP strap cushions to Etsy!!

I just got my new varieties of cpap cushions loaded up to etsy! I now have 23 different designs of cpap cushions! Bright and happy, simple, earthy you name it! I just got some tye dye, pink ribbons and other colors of fleece. Keep checking my shop at www.recycledbootybags.etsy.com to see my latest designs. Yes, more bags are coming, but this seems to be my current obsession LOL!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Wierd tired brains and Sleep Apnea

So, I'm sittin at my desk-yawning. Mr. Booty and I went to the midnight show of The Dark Knight last night. Totally packed. Didn't get to bed until waaay too late. I had coffee at home AND got the 24 oz super coffee achiever coffee at Circle K on the way to work. The movie-GO SEE THIS MOVIE! I'm not gonna discuss at length because I refused to spoil it for anyone. All I can say is go.

I just joined a website called cpap talk http://www.cpaptalk.com/. Good site with a large hosehead community and lots of info and support. I was telling them I really felt that there are millions of people walking around sleep deprived. In the US, we dont get enough sleep. You know it, I know it. We lead such busy lives we forget that we have to rest the engine.

Well, interestingly enough, yahoo this morning had a buzz article about 14 reasons we are not getting enough sleep. Here is a link http://www.forbes.com/2008/07/16/health-sleep-reasons-forbeslife-cx_avd_0716health.html?partner=yahoobuzz You guessed it, the lead story was about a person with sleep apnea.

I guess I'm lucky, the only problems I ever had with wearing the cpap was the the seal didnt seal, which was an easy fix by tightening the straps and strap marks. I dont wake up at night at all-ever. I sleep like a stone.

If I think about it, I sleep walked through life for at least 9 years before I was diagnosed. I remember falling asleep everywhere, the library, out with friends, in the car-passenger AND driving, movies, shower, work, etc etc. I got so angry at people commenting about it. My mom would elbow me at the movies if I fell asleep. I was to the point of wanting to smack her for it. I got in trouble at work for falling asleep in meetings. They told me I needed to get more sleep to set a good example for the employees. They thought my falling asleep was me staying up too late, partying and whatever else came to mind. Everything EXCEPT a severe medical condition. That's the jist, they basically thought I wasn't taking my job seriously. That's what people think when they see a person falling asleep at their desk or wherever. "That lazy ass stayed up all night again, look at them nodding off-that is one sorry employee." Never occurs to them that you are suffering from a medical condition.

I look back now and shake my head. Soo many people thought I was a lazy and bad employee. You know, I had so many tricks for staying awake. I popped caffenne pills like candy. I would blast the radio and sing along. Ice in the bra, cranking the ac to arctic, stopping when I started to nod to get out of the car and stomp my feet... Driving by myself to Phoenix scarred Mr. Booty to death. He thought I would fall asleep at the wheel and die on the road.

Now, even with being tired from being up to late I am more alert than I was in those years. If you are tired all the time, nodding at your desk or anywhere else, waking up every 2 hours - talk to your docter and have a sleep study done. If you think you might have sleep apnea, ask yourself this one question-"Do I fall asleep while driving." If you said yes, call your doctor for an appointment today. Please. You endanger yourself and others. Someone I know served 5 years in prison for manslaughter for falling asleep behind the wheel. That person caused an accident that killed a child. That person had undiagnosed sleep apnea.

Now, gotta slam that coffee before it gets cold!
Peace to all!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thoughts on illegal immigration

I live in the desert Southwest. I hear a lot about people coming from other countries-especially the one directly to the south of us, to "steal" jobs, healthcare, social security benifits and on and on... Well, here's my thoughts on it.

It is no small feat to come to this country illegally. People really dont realize just how hard it is. The immigrants usually go through a coyote, a human smuggler, who serves as a "guide" across the desert. The people make the trip and then are put in a northbound van. Sounds simple right? Well, temperatures in the desert can top 115 in the day. There is no convience store, no Micky D's, no Motel 6. Its you, the desert, the heat. The coyotes are not there to help ease your way, they're there for money. If immigration comes close to finding you, they will abandon you and take your money with them. There is no shelter, no water, no food. Sometimes it can take up to 3 days to make the trip on foot. Think for a minute. I mean it. Now, think about what it would take for YOU to do that. What kind of situation in your country would give you no alternative but to make a 3 day trip on foot through the desert with the clothes on your back and a bottle of water. Be realistic on this. No one with any other option would do this. The reality is people die trying to come to the US. A LOT of people die-in the desert- from exposure and thirst. According to the Arizona Daily Star here are some numbers :
Illegal Immigrant Deaths

For those counting thats 598 human beings dead in the desert in a 5 year span.

The choice these people face is - risk my life trying to go to the US or watch my family starve to death. To make that choice... I dont know what I would do in their shoes.

The fact is that we need them. There are over 12 million illegal immigrants in the US. If they were all the sudden gone, imagine the huge hole that would leave. The majority of these people work, pay taxes and are solid members of society. To make statements like "kick em out-deport them now!" is so stupid and short sited. You cant just kick em out, the logistics of trying make it near impossible.

So whats the solution?
1. Mexcio needs to take an active part in the lives and well being of their citizens. If things are good at home, there is no need to risk your life trying to cross the desert for what we would consider a crappy job. If you can afford to feed your family and live, you dont have to leave your home, family, friends... They wont leave home if they dont have to.
2. The United States needs an immigrant worker program and a path to citizenship. The immigrants are here. They work. We need their work. If you think they take our jobs well, they take some - come on, we're being honest - but the jobs they take are not all blue collar. The work they do IS necessary to the economy of the United States. Remember, the majority DO pay taxes, they buy homes, they shop. That's a big chunk of change that would not be going into businesses. We have to stop whining and crying about "illegals, illegals" and find a realistic solution. "You have to go back to Mexcio and apply to come to the US." Yeah, suuuure. Leave your family, your job and your life. Go back to the country you left 20 years ago-maaaybe we will let you back in if you fill out all the forms. Maybe. Doesn't sound like a solution to me-does it to you?

It's time to remove our craniums from our anal orifice about this problem. Occam's Razor suggests that "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best." So, we can try to find and deport 12 million people (during the fiasco that is the Iraq war) OR we can give these human beings a means to citizenship and legal work

What does common sense tell you?

interesting reading http://www.nomoredeaths.org/ to learn more.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I think I have a thrift addiction!

First off, I got a new purse! Its a Coach, black with silver buckles. I think its microfiber. Goodwill-$8. This purse was probably in the neighborhood of $150 new. Crazy stuff people get rid of I swear! My poor little Fossil purse was so stained-it really needed to be replaced. Im liking this new purse a lot. I look so swanky! Little do they know it's from the thrift store! My Fossil was thrift too, I think I paid $4. Ive had it for 3 years so that figures to a $1.25 a year for a leather Fossil purse-not too shabby in any book! I always look at purses, I think a lot of women do. The pursuit of the perfect purse is an obsession for many. Thank God Im not addicted to shoes LOL!

So last week I went to one of my fav stores and found a bunch of stuff. My favorite is a fabric shower curtain. Stripes in gold, burnt orange, ivory, brown, olive and burgandy. Ive already started a bag from this. I have a ivory corduroy skirt that is destined for this pattern. Not sure what Im putting on as far as handles but Im willing to find the perfect belt to finish the bag.

Today, I hit 4 stores! Im sooooo bad! Went to a little thrift shop that is a non profit benefit for a program that helps adicts take back their lives. Found some black pants with a raised print and a pair of lilac pleather pants that look like ostrich! Next was the Salpointe Catholic thrift store (next door to the church of Scientology-go figure??) Olive jeans, a couple belts, a pair of boy scout uniform pants (destined for a water bottle holder) and several books. On from there (after taking hubby home) was the Deseret Thrift store. Boy, they've done a ton to improve the look and cleanliness of the place. Chocolate jeans, grey Abercrombie and Fitch jean skirt, mint jeans and a couple belts. Last was Goodwill. Bold black and white graphic pants, yellow green olive cords and the best thing-metalic ORANGE jeans! I now have metalic jeans in red, pink, orange, red and blue print and a orange and green print. Oh, I also went to Savers friday and found ---lime green and purple paisley pants! Very much in the category of "makes my eyes bleed."

So, for those counting-that's 5 thrift stores in 2 days. Might have an addiction but MAN its FUN!!

Wanna see what I do with them? Check www.recycledbootybags.etsy.com to see!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fun Red Hawaiian Shirt Bag to Etsy and Men who should be Popsicles!

I just finished a terrific red and Hawaiian print bag. The handle is so cool! It was (in a former life) part of a McDonalds employee uniform!

Its funny how things work out sometimes...I found the jean shorts, the Hawaiian shirt and the belt all on the same trip to the thrift store! One in summer, one in mens and one in accessories. If you drew a triangle in the store these items were at the points-very far away from each other! It was karma!
Here is the link
I dont think this one will last long so go take a look!

Ok, so for the fun part-not that my bags arent fun LOL!

Men who should be made into popsicles

1. John Cusack- Super high lickability factor. He keeps getting sexier with age. I love his intelligent and creative acting choices. Being John Malkavich-Gross Point Blank "What do you do for a living? Hired Killer. Does that come with benefits?" Say Anything "I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen"- hell, I even enjoyed him in Must Like Dogs! Needless to say, I love me some John Cusack!

2. Bruce Willis - been watching him since Moonlighting! Virile and very sexy. Not one of those anemic weak lookin guys. I bet he and Energizer have things in common...

3. Guy Fieri - Food Network hunk a bleach blond spiky haired DAMN! He is definately on the train to Popsicle town!

4. Kevin James - Puppy Dog adorable! He makes the list!

I will have to put more thought to this one...Who would make your LIST???
Talk at ya Later!
Oh, and John, Bruce, Guy and Kevin-feel free to come on over and see me sometime!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

New Apron to Etsy!

I just finished the most insane apron. Its purple with lime green in ruffles around the edge. Its made from a jeans top that was too small to make a bag from, the scrap trim from some shorts and leftover ribbon. Its the Joker's and Betty Crocker's love child! Kitch meets emo punk! Gotta love it!

I had this idea driving home from work. Just kinda struck me. I got home and looked up jean apron on etsy. Of course I wasnt the first with this brainstorm. All the ones I saw were the front or back of jeans with lace sewn around the edge, the pockets- just everywhere was LACE-YUK! The lime is hand ruffled and I certify there is NO LACE on this apron! Jeans and lace-excuse me, 1976 is calling and they want their jean apron back!

Happy Fathers Day Everyone!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Cat likes Crackers

I was munching on some vegi crackers tonight. My cat Molly hopped up onto my desk like normal-right between me and the keyboard. Ever tried a cat wristwrest? More like a fuzzy vibrating, shedding keyboard cozy. So Im trying to type over her and she sniffs my crackers.

Some history on Molly. She is 5. We adopted her from an organization called FAIR, a no kill shelter. She had been a young mom (at 7 months) and had been seized from a hoarder. She had regained her health, all her kittens had found homes. No one wanted her. She is mild mannered, just a really easy going cat. Unless there is food...

Well, back to the crackers. Molly is very demanding and loud about food. She is pushy about food. She has no problem trying to climb onto my lap to eat my burrito. She can hear me open a pack of turkey across the house. Needless to say that after having to fight for food with the hoarder, she is very food oriented. I left the room with her on the desk and a couple of crackers on a plate. I came back a minute later and she ate my VEGETABLE CRACKERS!

So Im adding that to her list. She likes tuna, turkey, chicken with salsa, hamburger, yogurt (especially raspberry and boston creme pie), Pringles and now vegi crackers. Cats are wierd.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bad Pants are habit forming!

I found the most wonderful/horrible pants yesterday! On mondays, Savers (oh how I love thee) has a color tag that is 99 cents. They've been running daily manager specials too. WELL, they had ladies pants for 99 CENTS! I got yet another obnoxious pair of Talbots. I swear, more times than not when I find a delish pair of ugly pants, they are either Bill Blass or Talbots. Dont know why LOL. Well, you saw the bag I made with the pair of metalic red pants with the white and blue top?? I found another pair of red metalic AND a pair of pink metalic! Talk about FUN to chop and sew!!! I also got a pair of cool cordoroys in burnt orange, olive, tan and black. I think another boho bag is called for :) Also had the inspiration to upcycle a pair of overals into an apron. I will figure it out but I think it could be way cute!

Lets see, adventures in crafting... Oh, I decided it was time to learn how to knit. So I bought this kid knitting kit. I figured that if instructions for a nine year old couldnt teach me it wasnt meant to be. Horribly ugly yarn, but you have to learn with something...

Ive been hearing about Plarn lately. I use my jean bags for grocery shopping but I am guilty of forgetting them every once in a while. Wanted to try my hand at plarn so I went grocery shopping. Came home with about 10 bags. Looked up instructions for making plarn off google and found http://www.myrecycledbags.com/2007/02/17/instructions-for-cutting-plastic-bags-creating-recycled-plastic-yarn/ Really easy to make! The ten bags made a piece about 12" by 4". It takes a lot of bags but still cool to try!

Something you gotta try, bake or forman grill 2 chicken breasts. Shred them into little pieces. Add the chicken, a can of rotel, a can of diced green chiles, and a can of chicken broth (lo sodium.) Simmer uncovered for about 30 min. Spoon chicken onto tortillas and munch. I could eat this every day! I usually add some Chulula or salsa. Hot but YUMMY!

Good night and good luck!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Pretty good day!

Well, I had a good day today. I love being able to say that. I sold 2 sets of cpap cushions on etsy and my difficult work situation has finally been resolved. My office is at last at peace. Finally I can get some work done! Summer is slow for every business and printing is no exception. But today, I was busy from the moment I got there until I left. There have been several times over the last month that I've pretty much had my work done by oh 9:30 in the morning, and Im there till 5. Needless to say its been stressful. I HATE being bored. Oh gawd, I even tried to get them to let me go buy bathroom cleaner. I was so bored I WANTED TO CLEAN THE BATHROOM! That my friends - is criminal bored. Im geared to go go go go, and ok, you're done with the day's work by 10 isnt fun. 14 years of retail management will do that to you.

I think things will run so much smoother now. Businesses go on and on about being a "team player." I hate sports analagies but that one holds true. If you have a team who get along well, like each other and have a common goal they all work toward, you have an effective team. When you have a team where one of the players thinks his poo dont stink and that he knows everything there is to know about the game, your team grinds to a stop. Well, my team got a shot of wd40! I think things will settle into a smooth working cycle now and I am very very thankful. I was to the point that if the situation wasnt resolved that I was done. It was the first day in a while that the bathroom wasn't my refuge from stress.

Yes, today I had a GOOD day!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Im in the Main Etsy showcase today!!

Im excited! This is the second time I've done it. It was up a couple hours and I have my first sale! YEAH! Lovely lady in WA purchased some of my CPAP cushions. This was the last of this rockin bright blue that I had so good for her!

Ive been really productive the last 2 days. I have started to sort my belts. That is no small feat let me tell you! I use them in my bags, therefore I have tons. We are talking 50 to 60 at least. I got a couple belt organizers and Ive been goin to town! So much easier if I can see what I have, then I can match up belts to bags much easier.

I also complete 12 pair of my CPAP cushions. I listed 6 pair on etsy today. They are soo cute-you gotta check em out!

What's a CPAP (crap is the most common typo LOL) you ask? Well, a CPAP is a machine that people with sleep apnea use (like me) to manage their condition. CPAP stands for continuous positive air pressure. Sleep Apnea is the condition where you stop breathing in your sleep. This can be caused by blockage in the esophogeus, large tonsils, weight, etc. I have #3 and did have #2. The cpap is a machine that blows air into your throat and lungs continuously. The positive air pressure allows the person with apnea to sleep without stopping breathing.

Apnea is a sneaky sucker. You are tired all the time. No matter how much you sleep its never enough. Me, I blamed my hubby, he snored loudly and woke me up, over and over, all through the night. I had to pee-I had a bird bladder. "I wake up to pee and he snores" was my excuse for falling asleep at meetings, at work, on the couch, at the library, in the car-I admit, sometimes DRIVING the car, while eating, at the movies, while standing in the kitchen, shower...you get the picture. Apnea makes you feel like you're sleep walking through life. Its dangerous and can kill. I finally found out that was what was going on after almost dying from a combo of severe double pneumonia and sleep apnea. If I had ignored it that night, the dr told me I would have died in my sleep. Let me tell you, the rest of the shit in our lives doesnt matter if you dont wake up.

When I was finally tested I was told I had stopped breathing 30 times in 15 minutes. The tech said it was a wonder I slept at all. No wonder I could seriously fall asleep standing and talking to customers, have my legs go out from under me and fall to the floor (happened).

Now, 3 years later and the discovery that hubbys snorring was because he also had apnea, I am happy to be here. No matter how crappy of a day Ive had at work, I woke up, its still a good day!

If you have any of the symptoms Ive talked about here, talk to your doctor. You might have sleep apnea. It can kill you, get treated :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Cramps suck

Hi gentle readers. Im sorry I cant think of anything fun today, I have cramps. You know, I really love being a female, except for a couple days a month. Strange thing is I didnt have them as a teen. Friends would moan and groan about cramps. I thought you wus, deal. Well, nature is vengeful.

Started a few years ago. Cramps. Evil, twist your uterus into a pretzel and add salt cruelty. It only lasts the first couple days but oh gawd...can I just rip the thing out? I dont have kids, Im not gonna have kids, I dont need it! Im not using it! Alas, I hate surgery and hospitals more so I guess the naughty plumbing bits get to stay. Oh, and realized when the cramps started, another evil reared it's head. Dawned on me at work one day. Granted at the time I was a retail print shop manager and people can be really stupid, but it came to me that I hated everyone and everything. Even customers I liked pissed me off. Really, irrationally pissed off. I went home that day angry. I laid down and bawled like someone took my toys away. Hubby got home and I tearily asked him to hold me and tell me he loved me and that I wasnt worthless scum. My wonderful hubby did just that. Later when I had calmed down I figured out what it was...PMS. No, you printing geek, not pantone matching system! The other PMS, the "are you on the rag" one. I am a bitch on wheels about a week before. Thankfully I realize when its happening and am able to step back and say whoa!

Guys need to have cramps. Then and only then will the stupid rag question be forever banned and its utterance is punishable by a kick to the balls. Of course there are a couple things that help ease cramps.
1. Sex: all things are cured by a really good O
2. Pedicure: Rub my feet and let me sit in the massage chair
3. Grande Margarita: On the rocks with salt. By the time you hit the bottom all things are good
and finally
4. Percoset: Pain? Um, what's my name again?

Love to you all, all 3 of you LOL!
Oh, BTW, my new bags are up on etsy, check em out http:///www.recycledbootybags.etsy.com
Good night, I tried choice 2 yesterday, time for another number! Hmm which one??

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cool Recycle stores on Etsy

So, I was sooo bored today. I decided to put it to the Etsy critique forum that I wanted to see what cool things they were selling. So many people responded so I thank you for making my day a bit more lively!

First one had a fun name and awesome banner http://www.deerinheadlights.etsy.com
This is a brand spankin new to etsy person who uses recycled leather from old office chairs and leather couches to make wallets and other fun items. One item listed so far but for having just opened the shop TODAY I think thats terriffic!

A fun shop that uses jeans in their art is http://www.1235erin.etsy.com
Painted jeans galore in a neat style full of childlike wimsy-love it love it!

Ever wonder what to do with all that vinyl collecting dust in the basement (if you have one...) well http://www.misscourageous.etsy.com figured it out! Super cool selections of jewelery made from colored vinyl records! She also has a terrific banner and has many other fun items in her shop.

http://www.candycalamity.etsy.com is probably able to tell you many tales of "do I have to eat any more candy? I only need the wrappers!" Jewelry made from candy wrappers NEAT! I wonder though do you hit the kids up after haloween for their wrappers??? I know I would!

Last one for today is http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=12254655 for the home of Undone Clothing. This photo is of a purse made from weaving TAPE MEASURES! You have a lot of patience and it does pay off-these are amazing and... strangly patriotic!

I have a ton more but I think this much eye candy is enough sweets for one evening!

Dont forget to check out MY shop at http://www.recycledbootybags.etsy.com

New bags coming soon!

Hi there. A good - well ok - nights rest has me feeling better and a little less down. Hormones suck a lot LOL! I have two bags that are almost done that should be up on etsy by tomorrow evening. One is hunter green on the top with a really pretty yellow flower printed skirt for the sides and a blue denim bottom. The other is also so cool! The top is blue and white striped and the bottom is irridesant red. Very patriotic without trying too hard! Check me out at http://www.recycledbootybags.etsy.com/!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thoughts on Frugalism

I sat in my office today and listened to my "consume everything" minded office mate and my thoughts went to consumerism and the art of frugality.

I live simply. I don't desire designer this or luxury that. I think simple and functional are beautiful. Even before the economy started to tank and gas prices went insane, I shook my head in wonder at people who measured their worth by giant SUVs and how many pairs of Manolo Blanik (sp) shoes they owned. I've never felt a need for such things. I own a Fossil purse - that I bought thrift for $5 - much better than the $75 it would have cost new. I guess now that people are "trying to be more responsible" the ones who are addicted to BUY, BUY, BUY are sad creatures. What is more beautiful, a desert sunset during monsoon or a new Hummer. What lasts longer in your heart? What means more? In the grand scheme of things what makes you feel better?

In my mind's eye, I smell the desert after the rain. That intoxicating scent of moisture, dirt and sage. It's the smell of life and renewal. I open my eyes to the grand show nature is putting on. Boiling clouds set affire by the setting sun. Brilliant jewel tones in blue, red, purple, orange and gold light the sky. For that moment you're one with nature and the Earth itself. Listen and you can almost hear it breathe. That-or 8 miles to the gallon, new car smell and the "envy" of your friends...you can probably guess my preference.

It seems to me a man trying to fill the holes in his soul and self esteem by buying and buying...must live a very sad and unfulfilling life - even though I'm sure they would be the first to argue the opposite.

I'm sorry, I sometimes go on but in the age we live in, deep reflective thinking isn't seen very often. Its nice to know there is more to a person than the credit cards in their wallet or the email address on the screen.
My thoughts for today come from an article on msn.com about frugality "Frugalist find bargins in the trash" http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24879628
While I admit I wouldnt eat from a dumpster (dont put that in your mouth really stuck with me from childhood LOL!) but the comments had a lot of really interesting stories. Some quotes that inspired this blog entry are...
"He who knows he has enough is rich" Lao Tzu
"Only a fool would judge the size of a man's wallet by the pants he carries it in"
"The measure of a man's wealth is in proportion to the number of things he can do without"
Thomas Jefferson
"Big hat - no cattle" Old Texas saying

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I love Sundays and Savers!

Im so bad. I went to Savers last night and again this afternoon. Kinda puts a dent in my "gotta clean and organize the studio" thing! Come on, they had 99 cent tags! A pair of XOXO jeans for that - it would be a crime NOT to buy them! Found the most wonderful pair of 80's old school shorts with neon yellow and pink with SKULLS all over that in black - AWESOME!

The studio cleaning is going well though. I decided to reclaim my closet in the name of BOOTY! You know how they say that if you havent touched it in 6 months to get rid of it? Well, mine might have been a bit longer than that- ok maybe two bits LOL! I took 3 huge boxes of stuff to Savers today. Gotta support Big Brothers Big Sisters, aanndd gotta support them more by shopping after dropping off my donations.

I can't wait to read the new book by Scott McClellan. It will be nice to FINALLY get some "truthiness" out of this administration. I dunno, bottom line for me is that my brother is getting ready to go to Iraq, again, for the THRID time. He will miss the birth of his second child because of this deployment. He couldnt be there when our grandmother died because he was deployed. I think about how many others there are, missing births, deaths, milestones, family, friends, etc.
It make me so sad for them all.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

New bags to Etsy!

You know, every time I find a really loud pair of pants, I say to myself "that has to be the worst Ive ever seen". As soon as I say that, I find another pair that far outshines the last one. These two are in that category. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=12195384
is the purple one. Wild wild wild. Dexter is here wanting to be petted. Hes such a sweet little 17 lb boy. :)

Well, time to start a Blog!

Hi hi! Im Christine, the happy and proud creator of Recycled Booty Bags.
Well, a bit about me...Im a graphic artist living in Southern Arizona. Im happily married with no human kids. I have 3 cats-Dexter, Molly and Magpie. My brother in law and my brother have lots of the human type so my fur children are plenty for me!
I have been a creative soul all my life. I started sewing at 8 and have always drawn, painted and done sculpture. I have been involved with model horse showing, sculpting and painting since 1997.
I am a thrift store fiend. One day I was at one of my favorite haunts and the idea came to me for using jeans to make really strong bags for shopping. I had just recently made the switch to canvas grocery bags but I didnt like how flimsy they were. I wanted something better. As I was pondering this I walked past a horrible pair of orange jeans. The idea hit me and Recycled Booty Bags were born. I found Etsy - a terrific place to buy and sell handmade items - and so I opened my shop www.recycledbootybags.etsy.com earlier this year.
My hopes are to eventually do this full time but for now I have a day job :) On my blog I'll probably talk about current things Im working on, cute kitty things, cool recipes, maaaybe a little politics (I have disliked Bush since before it was popular) movies, music, model horses, neat stuff and sellers I find on Etsy, maybe some fun guy jokes and whatever makes me go OOOHHH!

Molly mooching yogurt

Molly mooching yogurt