Sunday, September 7, 2008

Interesting article and new stuff to etsy!

This is my latest journey into crazytown! I was chatting with a nice lady on etsy, when we started discussing new pincushions. She asked for ideas and the first thing out of my fingers was "severed foot!". She makes adorable pincushions but a severed foot was not her style. I asked her if she minded if I tried it and she said sure! Soo, here it is! Here is a link to the foot
I also made a disembodied brain pincushion and here is the link for it

Check them out!!

Interesting article on yahoo today discussing which political party is better for stockholders. You say that's easy, Republicans. Well then you really need to read this article, the answer will suprise you

My mind has been made up for over a year on my presidential pick . I go a lot on first instinct with people, especially candidates for office. My first impression of W... I told my mother "That man is a criminal, you just don't know what he did yet." Her response was that he was a good Christian man.

If that's a good Christian I would hate to see a bad one! I didnt care for Clinton, Bill or Hillary. McCain is way too hot tempered and unpredictable-not to mention WAY to old for a first term president. Palin-all I can say is she is truly frightening. WWAAAYYY to extreme. I think the Republicans forget that the presidency is of the whole country, not just the right wing. I like Obama and Biden. Biden was my hubbys first choice for president. I get a solid vibe from Obama. He is not looking at the election but past it at the job to be done in trying to turn the country around. Biden is a strong statesman and vastly experienced in foreign policy and knows how to get things done in Congress. That says to me he will be able to work with Congress to improve the country.

Obama strikes me as that high school teacher who taught you so much, the one who really cared about the students and learning. You know the one Im talking about. He's the one who is in your memory for the rest of your life.

That's Obama to me.

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Molly mooching yogurt

Molly mooching yogurt