Sunday, December 7, 2008

Quiet mood tonight

Hi again
it's me...
but you knew that already

I am finally recovering from the flu. I am sitting here, in the quiet with David Lanz "Variations on a theme from Pachelbel's Canon". You can hear it too
This is such a beautiful piece of music. You can just close your eyes and feel the days stress flow out of you. I guess Im feeling introspective as well as cold. Hubby is off to get new filters for the heater so I can use my sewing room. Right now, it's an arctic zone. I have never handled cold well. Snow is something best watched on tv. My fingers just lock up and I have a terrible time warming them up again. In the words of the great Gloria Gainer I will survive.

So Im just sitting here, thinking...

Driving home tonight I finally remembered the name of the album of Piano music I bought back in 91 at the Nature Conservancy. It was Return to the Heart by David Lanz. I remember I bought it while I was in art school. I got it on cassette and listened to it in class. Might as well say back in the stone age, when we had the big personal cassette players with the headphones (no ear buds back then unless you broke the headphones and took the speaker part out and shoved THAT into your ear).

But the music was so beautiful

Check it out and let me know what you think!

Found a quote in a book at the thrift store today
"There is no chance, no desitiny, no fate
that can circumvent or hinder or control
the firm resolve of a determined mind"

Just a slip of typewritten paper, yellow with age-but still powerful.
Peace be with you all

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