Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Oh Nathan! Captain Tightpants himself LOL!

Hi to all my (2) readers!
Sitting and relaxing after lunch. Notice how I write a lot after and during lunch? Inspiration or spare time?? Maybe some of both.

So, I found another favorite food that I have become sensitive to. It breaks my heart, but I regretfully have to add Spagettios to the ever increasing list of foods to avoid. I dont have a gall bladder. The gall bladder helps you digest fats. Well, I lost mine at 21. Now, its a FEW ;) years later. I never used to have sensitivities, even though they warned me that I would. That all changed about 3 years ago. First food on the list, POPCORN! I had terrible nausea and stomach pain after eating popcorn. Took me a bit to figure out that the popcorn was the culprit.

Now, I have to avoid fried foods. REALLY avoid them! I stopped at a Wendys for a soda last month and the smell coming out the window about made me sick right there. Drove PAST an Arbys the other day, I had to plug my nose. Maybe the catalyst was being really sick a few years ago. Three weeks in a hospital can change a person I guess. Since then, my lungs are much more delicate. I am super sensitive to smells. Not any of that have to live in a glass room stuff, but strong perfumes, B.O., cigarette smell or smoke and of course, cooking oil - not only makes me ill but can give me trouble breathing. *Sigh* I guess the lesson is to be careful about what you eat BEFORE your body MAKES you!
What do you think? What makes you ill that you used to love?

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Molly mooching yogurt

Molly mooching yogurt