Sunday, June 8, 2008

Im in the Main Etsy showcase today!!

Im excited! This is the second time I've done it. It was up a couple hours and I have my first sale! YEAH! Lovely lady in WA purchased some of my CPAP cushions. This was the last of this rockin bright blue that I had so good for her!

Ive been really productive the last 2 days. I have started to sort my belts. That is no small feat let me tell you! I use them in my bags, therefore I have tons. We are talking 50 to 60 at least. I got a couple belt organizers and Ive been goin to town! So much easier if I can see what I have, then I can match up belts to bags much easier.

I also complete 12 pair of my CPAP cushions. I listed 6 pair on etsy today. They are soo cute-you gotta check em out!

What's a CPAP (crap is the most common typo LOL) you ask? Well, a CPAP is a machine that people with sleep apnea use (like me) to manage their condition. CPAP stands for continuous positive air pressure. Sleep Apnea is the condition where you stop breathing in your sleep. This can be caused by blockage in the esophogeus, large tonsils, weight, etc. I have #3 and did have #2. The cpap is a machine that blows air into your throat and lungs continuously. The positive air pressure allows the person with apnea to sleep without stopping breathing.

Apnea is a sneaky sucker. You are tired all the time. No matter how much you sleep its never enough. Me, I blamed my hubby, he snored loudly and woke me up, over and over, all through the night. I had to pee-I had a bird bladder. "I wake up to pee and he snores" was my excuse for falling asleep at meetings, at work, on the couch, at the library, in the car-I admit, sometimes DRIVING the car, while eating, at the movies, while standing in the kitchen, get the picture. Apnea makes you feel like you're sleep walking through life. Its dangerous and can kill. I finally found out that was what was going on after almost dying from a combo of severe double pneumonia and sleep apnea. If I had ignored it that night, the dr told me I would have died in my sleep. Let me tell you, the rest of the shit in our lives doesnt matter if you dont wake up.

When I was finally tested I was told I had stopped breathing 30 times in 15 minutes. The tech said it was a wonder I slept at all. No wonder I could seriously fall asleep standing and talking to customers, have my legs go out from under me and fall to the floor (happened).

Now, 3 years later and the discovery that hubbys snorring was because he also had apnea, I am happy to be here. No matter how crappy of a day Ive had at work, I woke up, its still a good day!

If you have any of the symptoms Ive talked about here, talk to your doctor. You might have sleep apnea. It can kill you, get treated :)

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Molly mooching yogurt

Molly mooching yogurt