Thursday, December 4, 2008

Where have I been Joe DiMaggio....

Hi everyone-all what, 2 or 3 of you? Ah, its all good.

So, what has happened since last I wrote, hmm let me see. Well, we finally told the Bushies where to go and elected Mr Barack Obama as our 44 president. How wonderful and awe inspiring is that really! I have always been a proud American but this made me proud of Americans. We finally stood up and said NO MORE. Makes me smile. Im looking forward to watching Obama work.

You know, I didn't care for Clinton. I found him a bit "used car salesman-ish". All the crap with Lewinski, so stupid. He got several blow jobs in his office by an intern... How many times has that happened in offices across the nation? Hell, it probably wasnt the first time in the Oval office. Sounds like some guys idea of the ultimate naughty sexcapade-a BJ in the president's office. The rest of the world looked at us like we were insane. And then there was W. The first time I saw him on tv when he was running for president I turned to my mother and said "that guy is a criminal, you just don't know what he did yet". She said he was a good christian man. He never fooled me. I saw through to the small minded unintellegence that he embodied. Before the war when they were rattling their sabers, hubby and I said "WAIT!!" but little W wanted his war so he made up WMD to help convince the masses that we should declare war. Iraq didnt have anything to do with 9/11 then or now. And now, in the last month of his presidency, he has regrets. I have regrets too. I regret that that man represented my country. I regret that so many have died-Americans, Iraqis, Afgahnis, and all the others in a war created by lies. I regret my little brother having to spend 2 tours of duty in Iraq. I regret that the GOP has made Christian synonymous with hate and Muslim synonymous with evil and enemy.

I digress though. This is past now, not our present. We should look to our future. The big bright one just on the horizon and a month away. It gives meaning to the audacity of hope, I have hope after so long I really do have hope.

Let's see, what else.... OH, I heard about this movie called Twilight coming out. I have always loved vampire stories-Interview with the Vampire is one of my favorite books. So I decided to read the book before seeing the movie. Went to Borders and discovered there were 4 books. Hmm Harry Potter all over again??? Naaah :) So on that sunday, I bought the first book. Tuesday after work I went back to get the second book. Thursday, the third. Sunday, I went back for the last book. I finished it Tuesday (after obsessing about going home to read for days). Very interesting series and fun storytelling. Check it out!

Anyway, I went to the movie. Dispite a few cheesy bits the story was there. I didnt drag hubby, I know better than to force a "chick flick" on him (HIS description). I thought the actor that played Edward perfect great in the role. His name is Robert Pattinson. I was interested in finding out a little more about him so I googled him (what did we do before google-libraries?? ACK!) He's a Londoner, which suprised me. I didnt know he was English. I didnt realize he was the same person that played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Saw a few interviews with him and the "English" is very evident. I have friends in England and he reminds me so much of them, especially Az, who is from London as well. Robert strikes me as shy and overwhelmed with the fandom that has attacked him. I would love to hear him talk about how something was "gorgeous" or "brilliant". The main thing is with all the fame over Edward, people (crazy fangirls camping days to see him) loose sight of the fact that he is a person. They create in their minds who they think he is and who they want him to be. That can make for a lonely guy who doesnt know who he can trust in a foreign country full of girls obsessed with him. Made me think what he could use the most was a friend. I am a married woman in love with my husband, so I dont want his body (yes, he is very handsome but please, Im old enough to be his very,very young mother LOL) but I wish him peace and serenity for dealing with the insanity.
And Robert, if you ever need a plaster or a kind words of a friend, you are welcome anytime. Yeah, I know...a little fangirl of me, but it is sincere.

Until my next novella

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