Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Open Letter to my Brother

Hey man, Happy Birthday! Im sorry, your card is coming but will be a little late-typical me huh?

Well, I wanted to say something to you. We've known each other a long time (and keeps getting longer every year!) We have been through a lot together. How many screaming fights, you took this, I did that, etc etc. I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. You have grown into such a wonderful man. Caring, loving, responsible, honest, honorable. This is you.

The journey of life is amazing. We have to travel a long and sometimes hard road to get to where we are going. You've had a rocky road getting to where you are. I think God sometimes has to test us to see if we are ready for the good parts of life. Your first marriage was part of the path to find your soulmate. Without the difficulty of the first you wouldnt have been ready to recognize how wonderful your wife is. She is everything the first wasnt.

You are a daddy. You remember how hard things were growing up with our father. Thankfully he is so different now. Now he is a dad too. I've always said there is a difference between a daddy and a father. Your girls have a daddy.

The man you have become is what all men should strive for.

I sit here crying. I know you are being deployed to Iraq again in a month. It breaks my heart that you are going to miss Emily's birth. I am scarred for you even though you tell me I shouldn't be. It's silly to even tell us not to worry as you know that is impossible. I will just have to send lots of Cheetos, Pringles, batteries and bug spray. I hope you liked all the magazines and books. Ive started looking for books already.

Mom thinks I dont pray. I pray every day for your safety and prompt return. I pray for an end to this stupid war. I pray for hope. I pray for you.

I love you so much. Be safe, be careful, be alert. Most important, never stop being you.

Happy Birthday Bro!
Your sister

1 comment:

Natasha Designs said...

Awww. this letter made me emotional, this is a beautiful but sad letter to your brother. God will be watching over him in iraq. Things will be fine :)

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