Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry almost Christmas!

Yep, Im sitting here blogging instead of cleaning my house. How many people the world over are franticly cleaning in anticipation of "THE RELATIVES"? I remember as a girl, my grandparents coming for Christmas. My mother would say that grandma was coming to look at my room so make sure it looks how you want it to look. Yeah well, things parents say stick in a kids mind you know... So now, my mother and father are coming for breakfast. Its a tradition I started a couple years ago. Hubby has a large family here and we usually have the large meal with them. Making breakfast for my parents is my way of having something special just for them.

Family. I was thinking about that today-you know, as I did the headless chicken dance to finish my shopping. My grandmother (father's mom) passed away 3 years ago. I didnt see her as much as I should have. I have regret for that.

My grandma rocked-she was the lone liberal in a houseful of millitary conservatives. She wouldnt hesitate to mutter "SHIT!" or tell my father to shut up. She didnt take crap but she was the most loving, giving and caring person Ive ever known. I like to think I take after her with my easy going attitude about people and life in general. She loved without condition. My mom talks about how when I was born, my father called her and she got to hear me cry. When she saw me, she said I would be Miss America. Well, that kinda went out the window with among other things, the fact that Im only 5'3" and not a stick figure. Besides, Im too much like her to put on a fake smile and parade in a bathing suit. Way too misogenistic for me. A body is just that, a shell. It's packaging. What is on the inside is so much more important than the facade the world sees.

I hope that she is looking down on me with her pretty smile. I know that she's proud me. I really miss her.

Hold your loved ones close this Christmas, no matter how crazy they make you. Our time with them is finite.

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