Sunday, June 1, 2008

I love Sundays and Savers!

Im so bad. I went to Savers last night and again this afternoon. Kinda puts a dent in my "gotta clean and organize the studio" thing! Come on, they had 99 cent tags! A pair of XOXO jeans for that - it would be a crime NOT to buy them! Found the most wonderful pair of 80's old school shorts with neon yellow and pink with SKULLS all over that in black - AWESOME!

The studio cleaning is going well though. I decided to reclaim my closet in the name of BOOTY! You know how they say that if you havent touched it in 6 months to get rid of it? Well, mine might have been a bit longer than that- ok maybe two bits LOL! I took 3 huge boxes of stuff to Savers today. Gotta support Big Brothers Big Sisters, aanndd gotta support them more by shopping after dropping off my donations.

I can't wait to read the new book by Scott McClellan. It will be nice to FINALLY get some "truthiness" out of this administration. I dunno, bottom line for me is that my brother is getting ready to go to Iraq, again, for the THRID time. He will miss the birth of his second child because of this deployment. He couldnt be there when our grandmother died because he was deployed. I think about how many others there are, missing births, deaths, milestones, family, friends, etc.
It make me so sad for them all.

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