Friday, July 18, 2008

Wierd tired brains and Sleep Apnea

So, I'm sittin at my desk-yawning. Mr. Booty and I went to the midnight show of The Dark Knight last night. Totally packed. Didn't get to bed until waaay too late. I had coffee at home AND got the 24 oz super coffee achiever coffee at Circle K on the way to work. The movie-GO SEE THIS MOVIE! I'm not gonna discuss at length because I refused to spoil it for anyone. All I can say is go.

I just joined a website called cpap talk Good site with a large hosehead community and lots of info and support. I was telling them I really felt that there are millions of people walking around sleep deprived. In the US, we dont get enough sleep. You know it, I know it. We lead such busy lives we forget that we have to rest the engine.

Well, interestingly enough, yahoo this morning had a buzz article about 14 reasons we are not getting enough sleep. Here is a link You guessed it, the lead story was about a person with sleep apnea.

I guess I'm lucky, the only problems I ever had with wearing the cpap was the the seal didnt seal, which was an easy fix by tightening the straps and strap marks. I dont wake up at night at all-ever. I sleep like a stone.

If I think about it, I sleep walked through life for at least 9 years before I was diagnosed. I remember falling asleep everywhere, the library, out with friends, in the car-passenger AND driving, movies, shower, work, etc etc. I got so angry at people commenting about it. My mom would elbow me at the movies if I fell asleep. I was to the point of wanting to smack her for it. I got in trouble at work for falling asleep in meetings. They told me I needed to get more sleep to set a good example for the employees. They thought my falling asleep was me staying up too late, partying and whatever else came to mind. Everything EXCEPT a severe medical condition. That's the jist, they basically thought I wasn't taking my job seriously. That's what people think when they see a person falling asleep at their desk or wherever. "That lazy ass stayed up all night again, look at them nodding off-that is one sorry employee." Never occurs to them that you are suffering from a medical condition.

I look back now and shake my head. Soo many people thought I was a lazy and bad employee. You know, I had so many tricks for staying awake. I popped caffenne pills like candy. I would blast the radio and sing along. Ice in the bra, cranking the ac to arctic, stopping when I started to nod to get out of the car and stomp my feet... Driving by myself to Phoenix scarred Mr. Booty to death. He thought I would fall asleep at the wheel and die on the road.

Now, even with being tired from being up to late I am more alert than I was in those years. If you are tired all the time, nodding at your desk or anywhere else, waking up every 2 hours - talk to your docter and have a sleep study done. If you think you might have sleep apnea, ask yourself this one question-"Do I fall asleep while driving." If you said yes, call your doctor for an appointment today. Please. You endanger yourself and others. Someone I know served 5 years in prison for manslaughter for falling asleep behind the wheel. That person caused an accident that killed a child. That person had undiagnosed sleep apnea.

Now, gotta slam that coffee before it gets cold!
Peace to all!

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