Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New CPAP cushions to Etsy

Howdy ho neighbooroonies!

Well, I finally got off my butt (yeah right, like I ever stop!) and got some more cpap cushions up to etsy. I got 3 new sets up last night before I was too tired to do anymore-posting at midnight-hmmm, no wonder I was tired. Here is a link to one of them I have (I think) 10 different patterns done, with more in the shopping bags, waiting to be cut down. Fleece is hard to resist! Tactially, it is so pleasurable to work with. Its easy going-soft, warm, flexible, forgiving. Besides, with millions of colors and patterns-I will never get bored!

I hate being bored.

I think that was part of the reason I stayed at my last job so long. Retail hell sure. Retail management-another level of hell. But you know, even in hell, I was never bored. I used to say that my job was constant craft hour, that it changed from one day to the next. I never knew what new challenge was waiting for me.

Well, I gained a reputation over the years of being able to do almost anything. Having that reputation can be its own curse. I was expected to pull the impossible out of my ass! I even had customers waiting in the parking lot for me when I arrived at work... Let me tell you, nothing is quite like getting out of your car at 7:30 in the morning, coffee in one hand, purse in the other, and having someone barge up to you and say "I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU! I WANT ____". People, I havent had my coffee. Coffee is what made dumb bearable. So you can imagine my mood if someone interupted my coffee.

Yeah, not pretty.

Oh well, now life is better! No retail, no customers, no register, no nametag, no uniform. Peace and quiet which lets me crank work out. I still get my constant craft hour, but without the innane "How do you make the copier work". I always wanted to answer "press the damn button, just like the last 10 times you used it" but Im too nice, I never did. Just goes to show, you can lead a horse to water but you cant teach him how to use a copier. Ever.

I have tons of copy center manager stories, anyone interested?

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Molly mooching yogurt

Molly mooching yogurt