Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thoughts on Frugalism

I sat in my office today and listened to my "consume everything" minded office mate and my thoughts went to consumerism and the art of frugality.

I live simply. I don't desire designer this or luxury that. I think simple and functional are beautiful. Even before the economy started to tank and gas prices went insane, I shook my head in wonder at people who measured their worth by giant SUVs and how many pairs of Manolo Blanik (sp) shoes they owned. I've never felt a need for such things. I own a Fossil purse - that I bought thrift for $5 - much better than the $75 it would have cost new. I guess now that people are "trying to be more responsible" the ones who are addicted to BUY, BUY, BUY are sad creatures. What is more beautiful, a desert sunset during monsoon or a new Hummer. What lasts longer in your heart? What means more? In the grand scheme of things what makes you feel better?

In my mind's eye, I smell the desert after the rain. That intoxicating scent of moisture, dirt and sage. It's the smell of life and renewal. I open my eyes to the grand show nature is putting on. Boiling clouds set affire by the setting sun. Brilliant jewel tones in blue, red, purple, orange and gold light the sky. For that moment you're one with nature and the Earth itself. Listen and you can almost hear it breathe. That-or 8 miles to the gallon, new car smell and the "envy" of your friends...you can probably guess my preference.

It seems to me a man trying to fill the holes in his soul and self esteem by buying and buying...must live a very sad and unfulfilling life - even though I'm sure they would be the first to argue the opposite.

I'm sorry, I sometimes go on but in the age we live in, deep reflective thinking isn't seen very often. Its nice to know there is more to a person than the credit cards in their wallet or the email address on the screen.
My thoughts for today come from an article on msn.com about frugality "Frugalist find bargins in the trash" http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24879628
While I admit I wouldnt eat from a dumpster (dont put that in your mouth really stuck with me from childhood LOL!) but the comments had a lot of really interesting stories. Some quotes that inspired this blog entry are...
"He who knows he has enough is rich" Lao Tzu
"Only a fool would judge the size of a man's wallet by the pants he carries it in"
"The measure of a man's wealth is in proportion to the number of things he can do without"
Thomas Jefferson
"Big hat - no cattle" Old Texas saying


erinberry said...

A lot of people in this world would be happier without all the excess. The "Get Get Get" mentality can really make a person miserable.

Desirai said...

I completely agree. I totally enjoyed this post. I'd be honored to cross link blogs with you if you're interested.


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