Sunday, January 4, 2009

Melancholy and such

It is raining tonight. Cold rain. This is the kind of night that makes me put on the Cure, 16 Horsepower or just pure piano music. I admit, I get a bit quiet when the weather is like this.

My mother has all sorts of theories about what makes us the way we are. She has run the gambit of birth order, personality types, color type...hell, even blood type. Amazingly, no zodiac. That's supernatural and not her at all.

So, in mom's book of what makes people tick:

I am a firstborn, which means I am a perfectionist, stubborn and driven. All True

I am what she calls a melancholy. Means I am creative, very deep feeling and can be prone to depression-I take the weight of the world on my shoulders. True again. I am very empathic, I feel people's moods around me. I guess it's hard to hide things around me, I pick things up too much.

Color type-eh-I am blond haired and green eyed. I have type O pos blood-neither of these IMO shapes personality.

I guess Im just me. I love driving home in the early evening. I put my hair in a clip and roll the windows down. I put something soft on the stereo and look around. The sun at that hour starts to turn the mountains red and gold. The soft light makes the green of the trees and cacti almost glow. And the smell of the desert...earthy and green at the same time. The breeze is crisp but not cold. This at least for me, is what serenity feels like.
If Im in the mood, next time I will talk about the boob thing. Just right now, Im just going to listen to the rain on the roof.

1 comment:

TheKatsWhiskers said...

I am so interested in this stuff - you should so ask her about me!!

Molly mooching yogurt

Molly mooching yogurt