Saturday, January 3, 2009

Time for a Story!

Good Mornin, afternoon or otherwise :)

Sooo, I WAS gonna talk about a group on facebook I joined called HOORAY FOR BIG BOOBIES, but I guess I promised you a story. I could do it from the perspective of "once upon a time" but it might get confusing. Might be an interesting challenge, but that's for later...

So, the story of how I met hubby...

Well, it starts in February of 1993. I had just graduated from art school and was working for the Tucson Shopper-what we called the "armpit of the art industry"-doing ad design, layout and production. They decided to downsize the art dept, which meant that the last to be hired was the first to go. Yep, that was me. So, off to unemployment I went. I had to apply at 3 places a week to keep my benefits-which were not much believe me. I started applying at places near my home. I applied at a store called Phar-mor. It was a big discount variety store and man, they had everything and CHEAP! They even had a discount pharmacy. I got hired there as a cashier. Now, this was a deep deep discount store. At that time, not all stores had scanners. Some, like Phar-mor, had hand punched registers and price tags. The intercom was a cb radio. Primative sure but by far the most fun job I ever had.

So, It was April '93. I was sitting in the living room watching the news on tv. A segment starts about Phar-mor and how the ceo, Mickey Monus, had faked the inventories in the stores and embezzeld so much money that they were shutting down all the stores west of the Mississippi. That is how I found out I was going to loose my job.

I started looking for a new job and was hired at Office Max, which was right next door to Phar-mor. I worked out my two weeks before leaving. My last day at Phar-mor was payday. I was feeling good, I had secured a job and I had money in my pocket. It was a hot day in mid May, so I decided to get a soda from the vending machine. I remember the Coke machine was a quarter (remember, DEEP discount store). I walked over to the machine to buy a soda. I looked over and noticed a tall man standing at the cash office. I remember thinking he looked really upset. I didnt know him at all. I thought he was so upset, he could use a soda. So, I said to him "You look like you could use a soda, would you like one?" He looked suprised that I would offer but said yes. So, I bought him a soda.

We spent the rest of my last shift talking. He had worked in the pharmacy. When they closed the pharmacy, he had come up front to be a cashier. We talked about all sorts of things. I discovered he was part of the local Rocky Horror Picture Show stage group. I had always wanted to go to the live show but never had. It was Saturday and the show was that night. So, he invited me to go. I didnt know him from adam so I said I would meet him there. You know, just in case he was a nut and I had to escape...

Well, I got there a bit late. I went up to say hi. He was standing there, in the theater, in a pair of tidy whities and white socks. He was playing the part of Brad that night. He sat next to me like that, unfazed and unembarrased, just talking with me. I remember being so impressed that he was completely confident, sitting there, in a dark theater, in his underwear, with a girl he just met.

That was the beginning. We were together every day after that. On July 1, 1993, a party was held at a local bar. It was a farewell party for Phar-mor. Later that night, he asked me to marry him.
I said yes. We had dated 6 weeks.

I joke that I never pay retail, not even for my husband :)

This year we will be together 16 years and married 15. I love him as much today as the day I said yes.

I know I pretty much telling this story for 3 people, but I still wanted to tell it.


TheKatsWhiskers said...

You know, just in case he was a nut and I had to escape...

How did that work out for you...?

Not only is HE a nut, he inflicts his nutty friends on you too! Well... i'm YOUR nutty friend now too :/

Recycled Booty Bags said...

I wouldnt have it any other way love!

Molly mooching yogurt

Molly mooching yogurt