Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I hit the quadrafecta! PMS is not just for color matching anymore

The past week I have been so depressed. Just not feeling comfortable in my skin.

I have kind of a routine before bed. Take off my clothes and put on a tank top and pj bottoms. I remove my mascara and wash my face. Then I brush out my hair then floss and brush my teeth. Listerine and some carmex on my lips. Lastly I put my favorite lotion - Bath and Body Works Sensual Amber - set the alarm and climb into bed. As I said, I have been depressed. Last night I was laying in bed close to tears. My hubby came in and could see I was upset. When he asked me what was wrong, I tearfully declared that I was feeling old, ugly, fat and unattractive. He looked at me wide eyed and busted out laughing. After I smacked him he said he had just been thinking how beautiful I was. Then, it dawned on me. WHY I've been depressed. Yep, you guessed it, hormones or as many love to say-pms. I should have realized the reason for the depression but sometimes when you're in the thick of "oh woe is me" you loose perspective.

I guess a lot of women suffer from this but I don't know how many of them are honest about it, with themselves or others. I never used to have the mood swings like this, but as I have gotten older (OH GAWD IM OOOOOLLLLDDD! AAAAACK!) it has been more pronounced. Hubby knows that if I am weepy and start begging him to tell me he loves me, I'm pmsing. Here is a lesson for the few men who are still reading after the mention of GIRL STUFF (good man, hat's off to you brave soul). Remember this, no matter what you do, where you go or who you do in life. NEVER and I really mean NEVER ask a woman who is grouchy or weepy if she is pmsing or (egad) "on the rag". Mention of either of these will mean banishment to the dog house with a slice of cold pizza, a bottle of lotion and your hand for a LONG TIME. See - I'll be honest with you. A woman who is actually experiencing pms isn't always going to see things rationally. Have no fear though! The woman you love has not turned into a 3 headed hate beast from hell. She is just dealing with the natural affects of the chemicals going through her body. Unfortunately she can and will take it out on anyone close. Even strangers can feel the wrath of a woman hormonal.

Think in terms of heavy emotional responses and you will be close to understanding how pms affects the mind. If she is down or cries easily, be kind. Do nice things without having to be asked. Take out the trash, do the dishes or laundry. If she has to ask you to do things when she is dealing with pms, scrambling to do what she asks will only piss her off. Rub her back, or better, her feet. Just be kind to her, pms is hard. You irrationally think that everyone hates you, you can do no right and that you are the ugliest thing on two feet. DO NOT PATRONIZE her by telling her she is being stupid. Just be there for her.


TheKatsWhiskers said...

Oh my... i SO know how you feel :) I get weepy and paranoid (everyone is saying mean things about me) I dont really get nasty or agressive, which is something I guess :)
Love you. Kat xx

Laura Orabone said...

I hear ya, sister. ;) I felt really old today, myself. I stopped into a little independent bookstore I desperately want to work in, and had to ask for an application from the two cute, thin, hip-looking college-aged girls behind the counter. I glanced at my reflection - no makeup, bundled against the cold in heavy coat, scarf, and cloche hat clamped down on my head - and was horrified at the puffy-faced, pale, OLD-looking woman staring back at me. For a moment there, I nearly lost heart. :(

And yes, nothing good has ever come of a man asking the woman he loves if she's on the rag. BAD IDEA.

Hope you're feeling better soon. :)

Molly mooching yogurt

Molly mooching yogurt