Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What's so amazing about really deep thoughts?

So here we are again, you must like it in my head to keep coming back. That or you are totally bored out of your skull... Hmmm

Well, I decided to join facebook. I have a myspace but I only have used it once. I needed an outlet the day my grandmother died. Myspace fit the bill. I haven't been back since, I cant read the words I wrote that day.

But I digress. We were talking about facebook I think :)

So I got all signed up and did a profile. Then it gave me a bunch of people who I might know. I found people I worked with, people from HIGH SCHOOL (good and bad), and old friends I hadn't talked to in years. I found out one is a college professor in Athens GA, another is a HR director for a hospital. A dear friend is a high school math teacher (YO WENDELL!). I also found a lot of interesting groups-Hooray for Big Boobies-made me laugh so much I had to join. Well, the laughing and the fact that I am a member of that club LOL! I also found celebrities fan pages, tons of wonderful music pages and interesting movie groups (TAPEHEADS YEAH!). I have even had the privilege of talking with a few very kind celebs. I guess this is where my mind is today.

I have seen a lot of "fangirl" stuff for these people. I think I saw "I luv u ur so hot" about a million times (sometimes I hate texting shorthand!-I'm such a hypocrite though, I have a "text" saying as my license plate). And that's just the feed that I get from the home page. I cant imagine what their pages look like. One of the people seemed so upset the other night it bothered me. I can see where the frustration comes from, so much noise its hard to hear yourself think. "Fans" forget that "celebrities" are people. I think Oprah had one of the best quotes about celebrity-"Always remember this. No matter how famous a person is, everybody pees" The quote made me laugh but it is very true. No matter how high on a pedestal "fans" put their "stars", we are all human. We ALL have morning breath, we ALL fart, we ALL hate things about our bodies and we ALL pee.

This song is "Mad World" by Gary Jules. It's a Tears for Fears cover but the way he sings it, this has to be what some of these celebrities feel when faced with crazed, screaming fans. Everyone "knows" you but no one bothers to know you. I know, I put it on my facebook too but it is still in my head so I'm sharing it here too.


ps, I took this picture at Children's Pool in La Jolla, CA a few summers ago.

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Molly mooching yogurt

Molly mooching yogurt