Saturday, February 14, 2009

A treat for Valentines Day-a Black Comedy!

Well, good morning! Well, its morning for me.

I was checking out the traffic here yesterday. Seems the only person interested in love besides me is the guy from Saudi looking for "Big Black Booty". YIIIIIKERS. HAHA! Well, I guess loving big black booty is still love, so um, power to ya dude!

Let's see, yesterday I gave you the meaning of love, at least how I define it. Now, on a day filled with candy, hearts, pink and red everything and sloppy sentiments, I think we need a cure, or at least something to cut the saccharine-ness of today. What should I rot your mind with today...? Oh! I know!! You're movie today is Heathers, staring Christian Slater and Winona Ryder.

It starts with Veronica compromising who she is to be one of the "Heathers" the most popular group in school. She tries to fit in while hating them. While taking a lunchtime survey, she meets Jason Dean, a dark rebel. They start a whirlwind romance that includes the pair murdering several of their classmates. They cover the murders by making them look like suicides. The murders include death by Drano and a faked gay tryst between the star football players. Of course, hijinks ensue! Some of my favorite lines from this movie
"my teenage angst bullshit has a body count" "Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?" "I have to motor if I want to make the funeral" and "corn nuts!"
Do you remember the video for "Smells like Teen Spirit"? The gym? That was taken from the climatic scene in Heathers where JD tries to blow up the school gym during assembly.

This movie is Slater at his "Nicholson/Rebel Without a Cause" best and Ryder fresh from Beetlejuice and well, just "Very".

I know, its from 1988. Now stop the "EWWW 80's!" This movie rocked. So grab your remote, your sweetie and some corn nuts and watch Heathers.

Beeee Gooooood!

Oh, IMDB link

1 comment:

TheKatsWhiskers said...

I FREAKIN LOVE Heathers!!!!

Molly mooching yogurt

Molly mooching yogurt