Friday, February 13, 2009

What is Love, really?!?

Ah, the question for the ages. Ranks right up there with "What is the meaning of life". I thought this was a good topic for Valentine's eve.

Everyone KNOWS what love is right? Can you put it into words? I'm talking about the real deal guys, not "Oh I love __________, he's so HOT". To me, love is having the deepest connection to another person possible-when you try to imagine your life without them, you cant. Love like this feels like a part of you-natural and necessary, like breathing. You look forward to every moment you spend with them. There is nothing so bad that they can do to ever make you want to be without them.

I love my husband. He is my friend, my lover, my partner, my companion, my rock. He tucks me into bed at night and holds my hand as we fall asleep. He looks at me in the morning-hair in every direction, bad breath and no makeup and the first thing he says is that I'm beautiful.

I was very very sick a few years ago. I was hospitalized for 3 weeks. I had a tube in my throat and therefore, I could not make a sound. There were several procedures they had to do to me that will remain nameless because even I don't want to think about the specifics. As I silently screamed during them, he looked into my eyes and held my hand. No one should ever have to see someone they love go through that, but he stayed with me.

I remember when we met. It was like running into an old friend, like we knew each other instinctively. There was never any of the awkward "does he like me or does he LIKE me" between us. As cheesy and cliched as it sounds, we just KNEW. There is a quote from a popular book that describes love like gravity, you come together because there is no other way to be.

Hubby and I only knew each other 6 weeks before getting engaged. I wondered why it took him so long to ask. He told me years later that he wanted to ask me 3 weeks before he did. 15 years later and we are still happily together.

So, that is love to me.

When we got married, my aunt made us a cross stitch picture. It was of the famous "Love is Patient, Love is Kind" poem. It is taken from a Bible verse, 1 Corr, chapter 13, verses 4-8. It hags on our bedroom wall.
This is it...

"Love is patient, Love is kind,
It does not envy, it does not boast,
It is not proud, It is not rude,
It is not self-seeking,
It is not easily angered,
It keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in wrong,
but rejoices in the right.

Love always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.

Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never ends".

Ok, wipe your eyes, its ok :)
Tomorrow, I will give you a nice dark romantic comedy to watch with your sweetheart.

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