Sunday, February 22, 2009

Magnolia and Aimee Mann- twofer tonight-You will LOVE this movie or ELSE!

Evening guys
Well, to top off my stellar week, I lost my temporary crown and thus, my mouth is sore. Thank god for Percocet is all I can say... haha.

So, did you watch the Oscars? I saw about half. I decided to go to the movies this afternoon. I went to see Taken. Good movie. As with many movies, you did have to suspend reality a bit in places but overall it had great pace and action without it getting boring.

While watching the lead in for a commercial during the Oscars, I heard a snip of a song by Aimee Man called Save Me. It is from a movie that is worth revisiting. It is called Magnolia.

I sure you have figured out by now that I like ensemble films. This wonderful film had so much to it that I cant possibly sum up everything in a couple of paragraphs. The director was PT Anderson. He takes his characters and weaves a story of interaction, connection and isolation and the walls we put up in our worlds to protect us from pain. Anderson spends small amounts of time with each set of characters but really develops them to the point that we are thoroughly invested in their lives and outcomes. The strength of the movie is the subtly. An expression. The tone the actors use when delivering a line and their appearance speak more to who they are as people than the words that they say.

Whether it be Frank TJ Mackey or Daniel Plainview, Anderson's characters are so disturbed by their own realizations of themselves and, in Mackey’s case, their past that they alienate those around them and themselves from the world. Mackey is so shut off from the world that he uses degrading women as a way of distancing himself from intimacy, which clearly pained him in his childhood. If we look at one of the more interesting, and astoundingly heartbreaking, relationships in the film (John C Reilly and Melora Walters) we see a couple that are so wounded by the world that they grasp at some form of happiness, even if that happiness would be more destructive than good.

The cast is rounded out by William H Macy, Julliane Moore, Tom Cruse, Philip Baker Hall, Philip Seymor Hoffman, Jason Robards, Alfred Molina and many more. It comes together to make not only a movie but a deep heart wrenching statement about ourselves, the damage we do to those we love, the mental scars left and finding a way through the pain to start healing.

You know that along with my love of a really good ensemble, I love a good soundtrack. This one is no exception. It is a beautifully written collection of songs by Aimee Mann. They are beautiful, touching and tragic.

I thought about soundtracks today. I wondered if you can have a crappy movie with a good soundtrack. Answer would be yes, I think so. BUT, can you have an excellent movie with a shit soundtrack...? Would this movie have been as powerful if it had ________(insert generic manufactured teen craptactular singer here)? Who knows.
All I can say is the music is a beautiful compliment to the movie and helps move the movie forward. Which is the goal of a good soundtrack. Its a bonus when it is completely listenable on it's own.

Alas my friends, the medication is finally kicking in so I think Im off to bed. Wish me luck at the dentists tomorrow. Yeeha. :(

Thursday, February 19, 2009

OMG Why does the world STINK!

Yes, you should fear the rant. Really.

It has been a hard week. Ok, let's not sugar coat. It sucked great big hairy dog balls. How's that mental image coming?


Hubby had to go out of town until next week. So, I decided to do something happy for me. Ive got a beer, a face mask on, bra off and Steve Earle in the cd player. Oh, and cheddar bunnies. Have you tried cheddar bunnies?? They are made by Annies and are the healthier alternative to cheezits. Yummy man, yummay!

Well, I decided since hubby was gone I would do some in depth cleaning. I needed a few things I was out of, namely dish and laundry soap. So, I swallowed my pride and bile and stopped at Walmart. I hate Walmart a lot, but there are a couple things that only they carry that I like. So, off I went.

Now, Walmart isn't redneck heaven, it comes in second to Harbor Freight (dont get me started on the humanity that goes in there). There is a lot of crazy fun people watching you can do in a Walmart. You can see everything at ol'Wally. The most interesting today was a young man intently scrutinizing cheese in the "got testosterone" tshirt and the emo kid that stopped in front of an endcap full of Kellogs corn flakes making excited "HUM! HUM!" sounds for about 20 seconds. The best one was the lady at the checkouts. I couldn't see her (she was short and I'm only 5'3" so there you go). All I could see was her hair. It was dyed Ronald McDonald red and was moused straight up. We are talking STRAIGHT-cartoon scared-straight. She was squawking loudly to the cashier about "make sure you get this" and so forth. Reminded me of Foghorn Leghorn, the big obnoxious cartoon rooster.
Free entertainment at wallyworld-too cool!

Unfortunately for me, there is another thing Wally is abundant in. Stinky smelly people. I walked through cloud after cloud while looking for my detergent. There should be a few rules for people to go out in public.

#1 BATHE. Whether its "old guy who hasn't bathed in a month" or "I'm so manly, I just worked out" or the dreaded 12 year old boy who just finished playing soccer. The 12 year old is the worst because at that age, their hormones are kicking into gear yet they don't realize that they should bathe more. eeeeyyuuuk. Bathing should be common sense right?? Hmm.

#2 BRUSH YOUR TEETH/USE GUM. "Oh, you had the garlic marinated chicken with onions for lunch?"...great. This is also the person who has no clue about personal space. I had a customer a few years ago who owned a restaurant. French food IE stinky cheeses. NO concept of personal space. He would look over my shoulder at the computer-we are talking his face 6 inches from mine. I'm sure he thought I had allergies cause I never breathed through my nose around him. Dentists tell us to floss for a reason. Food gets caught between teeth and ROTS. Heat rotting food at say 98.6 and oh god, gives me the heaves.

#3 NO BEANS, BROCCOLI or anything that gives you the farts. Its not funny or cute to "sow the field". If you have gas, go to the bathroom and let er rip! Don't toot a path down 3 aisles of the grocery store. Please? Fart clouds are GROSS!

#4 NO POLO or GRANDMA PERFUME. If I can tell where you have been in a store because of your Polo trail-you might be wearing TOO MUCH! Cologne and perfume are not substitutes for BATHING! One lady had on so much grandma perfume that you could taste it in the air. Now honestly, do you think I WANT to taste grandma perfume? Umm, yeah sure-I don't f*cking think so!

#5 IF YOUR KID TAKES A DUMP, FOR GOD'S SAKE CHANGE HIM! Babies poop and pee. I totally accept that. What kills me is the mom who says "oh my, junior just pooped" and CONTINUES TO SHOP FOR a 1/2 hour treating everyone in the vicinity to the dirty diaper smell. I don't want to try to pick out salad dressing while smelling your kid's dirty diaper. It's not good for the baby's skin to sit in sh*t for 20 minutes. Best part on this one-and yes, I experienced dirty diaper kid today too, was that Mom had the super jumbo pack of diapers in the cart.

#6 Cigarette breath. Not pleasant. VERY not enjoyable. Cigarette smoke permeate the lining of the lungs. Yes, it can cause cancer, but the stale ciggy smell can and does come up from the lungs while you breathe. So, mints help but they don't fix the bad breath. You know what the cure is, I don't have to say it. "Oh, you don't know, you mean non smoker you!" Oh yeah? I smoked for 17 years. I know what I'm talking about from the viewpoint of the smeller and the smelly. Consider quitting, it's mind over matter. Believe me, being able to breathe MATTERS.

Ok, I think I have chewed your ear enough tonight. If you ask nicely I might chew on it some more...rawr.
Paz a todos (peace to all)

Monday, February 16, 2009

In Arizona, Colorado or Oregon? You have to go to this store!

Howdy hi and hello
Yeah, I'm back. Ive been contemplating what to talk about. I have told you about music and movies, I've gone emo, nutty, crazy and so forth.
I think it might be time for a little naughty.

Yeah you dirty bugger, I said naughty.

Now. There are certain things that are part of the human condition. The need for companionship and love are right up on top. They segue well with another "need". Hehe, yes-the urge to merge.

Sex is a billion dollar industry. There are many stores that cater to every kink that floats your boat. Things that buzz, hum, wiggle, inflate, get the picture. Now, if the thought of going into one of "those" places makes you turn redder than a cherry (yes, if you are counting that was a pun) I have the shop for you.

Fascinations is a chain of "toy" stores for grownups in Arizona, Colorado or Portland, Oregon. They are clean, well lit and staffed by friendly and knowledgeable sales people. OK, I'm a grown up in touch with my wants and needs and I have been in a couple of adult shops. Im married after all, so sex has come up every once in a while (that's two-two puns, mwha haha). When most people think of an adult store, they think dirty, perverts jackin off in corners, hookers out back doing $10 BJ's.
Not the case with this little corner of kinkville ;)

Hubby and I went in a couple weeks ago to replace a particular item. I had an idea of what I wanted but didn't know where to look. The sales person took us right to a giant wall of items in all shapes, colors sizes and textures. I told him what I wanted and he got it and started to tell me about some of its functions-even taking it out of the package to demonstrate the controls. There was no blushing, no shyness, no embarrassment. He was very matter of fact and considerate. He then suggested a lube and cleaner that would work well with the item. As we talked to him, I looked around. I saw a lesbian couple who were being helped by another sales person. She was telling them about Pyrex dildos. There were several other couples looking at vibrating items and cockrings. It reminded me of a dept store, but for fun stuff!

I know, you are calling foul on me. I am supposed to be upfront about things. After all, we are trying to be the change ya know...?! Vibrators are fun and can enhance sex. Making a great thing even greater-I'm all for it!

So, I'm recommending Fascinations as a stop you must make if you ever visit AZ, CO or OR!
You want a vib, lube, the "Kong" dong, handcuffs, penis shaped pasta, chocolate flavored body oil, giant blowup sheep and MORE, they have it AND service with a smile to boot! Oh, and did I mention they do HOME PARTIES!! Oh Boy Oh Boy!

Here is a link for them
Let the games begin!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A treat for Valentines Day-a Black Comedy!

Well, good morning! Well, its morning for me.

I was checking out the traffic here yesterday. Seems the only person interested in love besides me is the guy from Saudi looking for "Big Black Booty". YIIIIIKERS. HAHA! Well, I guess loving big black booty is still love, so um, power to ya dude!

Let's see, yesterday I gave you the meaning of love, at least how I define it. Now, on a day filled with candy, hearts, pink and red everything and sloppy sentiments, I think we need a cure, or at least something to cut the saccharine-ness of today. What should I rot your mind with today...? Oh! I know!! You're movie today is Heathers, staring Christian Slater and Winona Ryder.

It starts with Veronica compromising who she is to be one of the "Heathers" the most popular group in school. She tries to fit in while hating them. While taking a lunchtime survey, she meets Jason Dean, a dark rebel. They start a whirlwind romance that includes the pair murdering several of their classmates. They cover the murders by making them look like suicides. The murders include death by Drano and a faked gay tryst between the star football players. Of course, hijinks ensue! Some of my favorite lines from this movie
"my teenage angst bullshit has a body count" "Did you have a brain tumor for breakfast?" "I have to motor if I want to make the funeral" and "corn nuts!"
Do you remember the video for "Smells like Teen Spirit"? The gym? That was taken from the climatic scene in Heathers where JD tries to blow up the school gym during assembly.

This movie is Slater at his "Nicholson/Rebel Without a Cause" best and Ryder fresh from Beetlejuice and well, just "Very".

I know, its from 1988. Now stop the "EWWW 80's!" This movie rocked. So grab your remote, your sweetie and some corn nuts and watch Heathers.

Beeee Gooooood!

Oh, IMDB link

Friday, February 13, 2009

What is Love, really?!?

Ah, the question for the ages. Ranks right up there with "What is the meaning of life". I thought this was a good topic for Valentine's eve.

Everyone KNOWS what love is right? Can you put it into words? I'm talking about the real deal guys, not "Oh I love __________, he's so HOT". To me, love is having the deepest connection to another person possible-when you try to imagine your life without them, you cant. Love like this feels like a part of you-natural and necessary, like breathing. You look forward to every moment you spend with them. There is nothing so bad that they can do to ever make you want to be without them.

I love my husband. He is my friend, my lover, my partner, my companion, my rock. He tucks me into bed at night and holds my hand as we fall asleep. He looks at me in the morning-hair in every direction, bad breath and no makeup and the first thing he says is that I'm beautiful.

I was very very sick a few years ago. I was hospitalized for 3 weeks. I had a tube in my throat and therefore, I could not make a sound. There were several procedures they had to do to me that will remain nameless because even I don't want to think about the specifics. As I silently screamed during them, he looked into my eyes and held my hand. No one should ever have to see someone they love go through that, but he stayed with me.

I remember when we met. It was like running into an old friend, like we knew each other instinctively. There was never any of the awkward "does he like me or does he LIKE me" between us. As cheesy and cliched as it sounds, we just KNEW. There is a quote from a popular book that describes love like gravity, you come together because there is no other way to be.

Hubby and I only knew each other 6 weeks before getting engaged. I wondered why it took him so long to ask. He told me years later that he wanted to ask me 3 weeks before he did. 15 years later and we are still happily together.

So, that is love to me.

When we got married, my aunt made us a cross stitch picture. It was of the famous "Love is Patient, Love is Kind" poem. It is taken from a Bible verse, 1 Corr, chapter 13, verses 4-8. It hags on our bedroom wall.
This is it...

"Love is patient, Love is kind,
It does not envy, it does not boast,
It is not proud, It is not rude,
It is not self-seeking,
It is not easily angered,
It keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in wrong,
but rejoices in the right.

Love always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.

Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never ends".

Ok, wipe your eyes, its ok :)
Tomorrow, I will give you a nice dark romantic comedy to watch with your sweetheart.

Monday, February 9, 2009

OMG! You HAVE to listen to this band!!

Hey guys! Welcome back to my strange little corner of cyberspace. It's cold tonight-the f*cking weather guy said strong possibility of snow. Snow-here-in Tucson. F*ck. No, Im not scared to say fuck, but Im trying to watch my mouth (fingers) hehe.

So Im sitting here in a shawl a friend made me for christmas. I had to go put socks on with my super awesome bunny slippers and my toes are STILL cold! At work, I had to pull out my little desktop heater. My fingers get bone cold easily and cold fingers combined with being a graphic you can imagine they dont go together too well. I will have this project from hell done tomorrow OH THANK GOD! 2 1/2 weeks of designing this program, yeah, Im a bit toasted. At least next year I will have all my working files to build on. This year no such luck. I had to pull the majority from pdf. Not hard but a pain in the arse just the same.

So, to comfort myself, I went looking for a band. This band was featured in a movie I recommended a week or so ago, Wristcutters. The band is called Gogol Bordello. Now, before I tell you a little bit about them, you have to remember my tastes can run a little odd... I love music that has a certain lust for life to it. I want fun, depth and joy. I want to hear how much the muscians loves what they do. Nothing sucks worse than a band that gets famous and mails it in (sorry but Metallica, are you listening? Load, Reload, Wide Load...come on guys!)

So, Gogol Bordello is my band to listen to tonight. They describe themselves as gypsy punk or gypsy folk. This music is so much fun to listen to-you really will not be able to sit still. It is a multicultural band of 8 people. Instruments include cymbals, accordian, saxaphone, fiddle, bass drum and um, fire buckets along with the more normal drums, guitar and bass. Their front man, Eugene Hütz, is a survivor of the Chernobyl disaster. His family relocated to New York and in 1999, he formed the band that would become Gogol Bordello. I have the album pictured above "Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike". I went to Borders yesterday to get their latest release, Super Taranta! The song link is from the Gypsy Punks album and is called "Start wearing purple". Oh yes, I think I might need some purple RIGHT NOW! "Super Taranta" is a terrific album the whole way through. Songs of note are Ultimate, Wonderlust King and Super Taranta!

I looked up their website to see if they were touring soon. No dates as of yet but I discovered they were in Tucson last august at a local venue, the Rialto Theater. Man, I was bummed. I heard from a friend that their live shows are an experience not to be missed. So, Im not letting a damn thing stop me next time they come-I WILL see them live!

If you are tired and bored to death by Rhianna, Chris Brown, Fergie and their ilk, give GB a listen. Top 40 can kiss my butt!

On a sad note, I wanted to mention that Orlando "Cachaito" Lopez, the acclaimed bassist of Cuba's legendary Buena Vista Social Club, passed away today. He was 76. For Señor Lopes, resto en la paz señor, usted será echado de menos. Gracias por la musica. Vaya con Dios.

Sleep well to all on this side of the pond, and good morning to everyone on the OTHER side of the pond.
Paz a todos!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ready for your friday movie?? Great Tunes on this one too-Break out the Netflix!

Hey there again
I've noticed a few new blips on the feedjit from around the globe so welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere.

I saw a reader from Iraq the other day and it got me thinking. We hear about all these far off places in the news, paper, internet and such. We see the pictures and hear the words, but sometimes I dont think we understand something. Those bombings in Gaza, Prince Charles, Jack Nicholson, crying babies in Africa...they all have something in common. Its profound but simple. We are all on same planet, all breathe the same air and feel the same feelings. I read somewhere that with every breath you take, you breathe in 50,000 molecules of air that Leonardo da Vinci breathed. Wow, you-I-your neighbor breathe the same air as da Vinci. It gave me a very profound sense of being connected to people and history.

I know, you are waiting for me to wax philosopical for a few minutes before you start yelling "GET TO THE POINT!" Well, the point is tonight's movie, Night on Earth.

Night on Earth came out in 1991. It is the story of one moment on Earth in 5 taxi cabs in 5 different cities, LA, Rome, Paris, New York and Helsinki. It has an amazing ensemble cast including Gina Rowlands, Wynona Ryder, Rosy Perez, Armin Mueller Stahl and Roberto Benigni. It was directed by Jim Jarmusch.

The stories include
LA-A talent agent finds the perfect person for a part in a movie in her cab driver. The driver is a young girl happy driving a cab and who aspires to be a mechanic. The agent tries to get the driver to audition but she is reluctant to give up her happy life for fame.
Rome-My favorite story of the 5. The taxi driver takes the fare of a priest. As he drives the priest, the driver decides to confess to the priest. He tells a tale so shocking that the priest dies from a heart attack.
New York- An immigrant cab driver is continually lost in a city and culture he doesn't understand.
Paris - A blind girl takes a ride with a cab driver from the Ivory Coast and they talk about life and blindness.
Helsinki - an industrial worker gets laid off and he and his compatriots discuss the bleakness and unfairness of love and life and death.

One of the true gems of this movie is the soundtrack. It is by Tom Waits. Tom is kind of an aquired taste, but he is good its really hard to describe. He has a gift for layering sound and using obscure instrumentation. Over his career he has spanned blues to avante garde. He is a musician's musician and worthy in every sense of the name Troubadour. I highly recommend giving Waits a listen. The first time you might sit there and say "WTF is that"! That's ok, I definately had my wtf moment the first time. But I gave it another listen and it really grows on you. This soundtrack is a good introduction to Tom Waits. I mean it, listen a couple times, especially "Back in the Good old World". Tom rarely tours and tickets go in minutes, but oh so worth it.

So there you have it, tunes and a movie all in one neat package! Feel free to comment on any of the movies and music I have talked about. Im feeling like Rocketman-its lonely out here in cyberspace! Keep sane, be good and wear your seatbelt!
later gaters!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Where is Bill Hicks when I need him to kick some butt?

You are reading the title and going "Oh shit". Naaa, just really weary of badly behaved people tonight. A coworker-and I use the word "work" (solitare all day) loosly, has been a burr in my ass for the last two weeks. He and his buddy (client) have been watching over my shoulder (micromanaging me) every day as I design a program for a local event. I am truly hoping tomorrow they leave me in peace so I can put the bastard job to bed.

So, ok. I guess I am in a bit of a mood. Tonight, I'm in a Bill Hicks mood. I found a cd at Bookmans ( called "Bill Hicks, the Flying Saucer Tour, vol 1". It is a concert recording of him in Pennsylvania in 1991. The audience was awful...they didnt get it all all. It gives true meaning to "flying saucer tour"-basically Bill was seen in small hick towns, the same places that you hear about people seeing flying saucers. God, I can tell Im tired, I cant even speel ;)

Ok, so if you are sitting there asking "Who is Bill Hicks" you are making me sad. Bill was an amazing comedian from Texas. I cant begin to summarize the life and greatness of Bill. The best way to share Bill is via the website his family set up for him, Read the bio, really. Then, go get Relentless.

His career breakthrough was cut short in 1994 when died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 32. He made no appologies about drugs, sex, politics...pretty much name it. He called it the "Comedy of Hate, join me". He joked about LA (Hell-A) falling into the ocean after the "big one" leaving a beautiful oceanfront property called "Arizona Bay".

Ok, so I admit, Im not a great novelist like Steven King (Sheeesh man, chill out on Steph Meyer already. Just because you havent written anything relevant in the last 20 years is no reason to pick on someone for being sucessful-jelousy is ugly man, just ugly) oh, was I ranting?? Well, my POINT and yes there is one,(beside the fact that I cant summarize for shit) is to check out Bill Hicks.
Bill, you left us way too early and you are sincerely missed. RIP.

As far as YOU-MR or MS Reader, your assignment is to look up Bill Hicks and listen to him. Let me know what you think. You know me, I will continue to rant to myself and cyberspace, even if you dont read me or comment. It is my catharsis, after all ;)
Peace, and tommorrow, I will assign another movie! I promise, its a good and obscure movie and you will love it. Why, because I told you to. My blog, my talking to myself, my rules!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Heya! Got some music to groove too? Try this!

Hey guys
I know, it's been a couple days. I dont like to blog if Im not inspired, it just comes off as incipid drivel. But tonight, ahh inspiration strikes. Driving home from work tonight... You guys remember, I like to roll the windows down and enjoy the desert as the sun goes down. Well, the stereo hubby got for me for Christmas has an ipod jack. So, he let me have his ipod as well so I could listen to lots of music I like.

Im driving home along the river just paying attention to the sights and smells of the desert. It was amazing. I could smell the clean earthy smell of the dirt, the sweet musky mesquite burning in a fireplace. I could smell the fantastic bbq place near my work. The owner is really cool and he smokes all the meats onsite. He had the smoker on and the smell just travels... As I crossed the Rillito river bridge, I caught the scent of honeysuckle that was profusely blooming along the river walk trail. During this, the most perfect music was playing on the ipod. I hadn't heard the album in a long time but it just blew me away. It was Pink Floyd, Animals.

Ah, Floyd. Floyd while driving home with the vast expanse of the desert around me. It was almost like hearing the earth breathe.

Hearing this album made me go and get another of my favorite Floyd albums. I got my cd player and went out into my backyard to watch the mountains turn gold then red as the sun set.

Delicate Sound of Thunder. You know this one, it had the lightbulb suit on the cover. This album was my first exposure to Floyd. I know I know, but I had a very conservative upbringing. For god's sake, I missed Kiss ENTIRELY!! My mother didnt allow THAT kind of music in the house. But I digress and thank GOD I escaped to be the little sicko you all know, read and love ;)

The first song that sticks in my memory of Floyd is "Learning to Fly". I was in high school and I had such a crush on my manager. He drove a Camaro and I didn't even hold that against him ;) He was big into Floyd. We used to work close saturdays together. That meant Floyd blasted from the time we locked the doors at 11pm to the time we left at 2:30am. I remember Learning to Fly. It made a distinct memory of happiness during a time that I didnt have a lot of happy in my life...

So tonight I remembered those nights at McDonalds, listening to Floyd and being desparately in love with my manager. I sat in the cool of the evening, smelling the orange and lemon tree and getting lost in the music. Would have been the perfect moment to smoke a joint, except for the fact that I never have smoked pot... Besides, I can't smoke at all anymore. It's not just the "smoking is bad" thing. It's the weak lungs - smoking can kill me - thing.

Oh well, at least I have my cool evening, my Floyd, my memories and the smell of honeysuckle.

Molly mooching yogurt

Molly mooching yogurt