Saturday, September 13, 2008

Super new bag to etsy!

So I finally got my latest bag listed today! Here is a link

That skirt I made the bottom out of was a size 1. A size 1, I almost had to chop it up on general principle HAHA!

I am definately heading into busy season. I have a special order in for 7 bags right now, 2 special order model horse saddle pads and a special order of cpap cushions. Phew, makes me tired just thinking about it. Oh, and a model horse show which I am nooo where near ready for. I havent painted in months! The bags have been taking off to the point that I am a busy bee. Oh well, I like being busy, plus, I will have christmas money and enough after to finally get my tattoo-YEAH!

Wow, you're thinking, this far and no political rant... well, Im not gonna so there :P Maybe tomorrow???

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yummy Sandwich and Observations

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures
see Sarah Palin pictures

Howdy there! Thanks for stopping by. I just finished my lunch and it was gooood! I had Subway, double meat turkey on itallian herb and cheese, pepperjack cheese, spinach, jalapenos, avocado, onions, spicy mustard and chipoltle mayo. If you havent tried this combo I highly recommend it. Spinach is such a great alternative to iceburg lettuce. Iceburg is a nutritional zero while spinach is great for you and has a nice mild flavor.

Yeah I know, you are wondering where my rant is...

Well, today I have more of an observation than a rant. I was reading Yahoo at lunch (while munching on my yummy yummy sandwich) and came across this article;_ylt=AvEK79C9OF5sFTvTx0cN3ZBB5494

It talks about if Obama had chosen Hillary, if it would have lessened Palin's impact on the polls and women voters. It occurs to me that Palin was a choice made to attract women voters. She was chosen for her religion and her sex. She was NOT chosen because of her public service. She was tapped because of God and a uterus. Now, I don't know about you but I just don't think that's qualification for running a country.

I think it speaks to the shortsightedness of the McCain campaign. They picked someone who has the potential to get them elected. I wonder, you know, if hell freezes and McCain wins, what they will do with her after the election...

On the other hand, look at Joe Biden. Obama chose him because he has the experience to help run the country. By picking Biden, Obama is thinking about the job, not the election. It reminds me of a bride to be. Freaking out over the wedding, pouring over all the tiny details of the wedding ceremony and reception. She makes her loved ones crazy, trying to pick out the perfect bridesmaid dresses and agonizing over choosing fushia or raspberry for her special color. She works and cries and sweats to create the perfect day. The frenzy builds and builds until it becomes a whirlwind of insanity... and then its over. She is married. She worried so much about the wedding that she forgot all about the marriage.

Obama chose a partner to help with the truly monumental task ahead of the next president. McCain chose a partner who will get him to that "perfect day", but after...who is truly qualified to be in this job?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Interesting article and new stuff to etsy!

This is my latest journey into crazytown! I was chatting with a nice lady on etsy, when we started discussing new pincushions. She asked for ideas and the first thing out of my fingers was "severed foot!". She makes adorable pincushions but a severed foot was not her style. I asked her if she minded if I tried it and she said sure! Soo, here it is! Here is a link to the foot
I also made a disembodied brain pincushion and here is the link for it

Check them out!!

Interesting article on yahoo today discussing which political party is better for stockholders. You say that's easy, Republicans. Well then you really need to read this article, the answer will suprise you

My mind has been made up for over a year on my presidential pick . I go a lot on first instinct with people, especially candidates for office. My first impression of W... I told my mother "That man is a criminal, you just don't know what he did yet." Her response was that he was a good Christian man.

If that's a good Christian I would hate to see a bad one! I didnt care for Clinton, Bill or Hillary. McCain is way too hot tempered and unpredictable-not to mention WAY to old for a first term president. Palin-all I can say is she is truly frightening. WWAAAYYY to extreme. I think the Republicans forget that the presidency is of the whole country, not just the right wing. I like Obama and Biden. Biden was my hubbys first choice for president. I get a solid vibe from Obama. He is not looking at the election but past it at the job to be done in trying to turn the country around. Biden is a strong statesman and vastly experienced in foreign policy and knows how to get things done in Congress. That says to me he will be able to work with Congress to improve the country.

Obama strikes me as that high school teacher who taught you so much, the one who really cared about the students and learning. You know the one Im talking about. He's the one who is in your memory for the rest of your life.

That's Obama to me.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

'Dem Crazy Republicans

So, anyone been watching the Republican crazy fest on tv? I swear, it just keeps getting better and better. First, we have the corpse-oh, I mean John McCain. What a sad life he has. Doesn't know how many houses he owns-oh wait, how many his WIFE owns. People, this isn't like my hubby not being able to tell someone how many pairs of earrings I own. A house isn't a whim purchase for a person. It sure wasn't for me! He is married to Plastic Surgery Barbie. Come on, I'm sure her surgeon is on speed dial (Oh, one of my boobs fell off-again!)

Cindy McCain is a very wealthy woman. She is not a self made business woman, her father died and left her the business. "Oh, but she increased the profits by a lot!" You know why? The population of Phoenix has doubled since her father died...more customers, more sales. She is a recovered adict. She was addicted to pain meds. You know how she got them?? Ms Philanthropy STOLE them from donated medication that was going from her foundation to third world countries. Love that charity!

John McCain of today is not the McCain of 2000. 2000 McCain would have kicked this bozo's ass! Every strong stand he had he has completely reversed to placate to the extreme christian right. How sad that he had to trade his ideals for a run at the presidency. You know what they should call this campaign? A retirement gift.

McCain is 72 years old. Let me repeat that, McCain is 72 years old. He has had not one or two but FOUR bouts with cancer. Four. He suffered 5 years of torture. Torture wears on a body and takes years off life span. All that, and he tapped Sarah Palin for VP. The ONE TERM governor of Alaska. She is pro gun, pro life, pro war, pro home schooling, pro drilling and the best one of all, anti sexual education. She thinks that abstinance only should be the ONLY sex ed kids get in school. Why oh why can't they learn one very basic and simple fact of the human condition-YOU CANNOT LEGISLATE MORALITY.

She and the whole bunch are such filthy hypocrytes. Abstance only doesnt work. She has proof of that IN HER HOUSE! Her 17 year old unwed daughter is pregnant. I thought good little christian girls waited...hmmm. Their response, "she is marrying the father, we are so happy for her, life happens, it is a private family matter". Who the hell are they kidding with that crap! Imagine for just a moment if it were Joe Biden's daughter in the same situation. Would they "respect his private family matter?" Oh HELL NO. They would be all over it like stink on poop! "What kind of a leader would he be, he cant even lead his family"....

They have succeded in making me ill.

Let me be very very basic.
Obama is a strong candidate. He chose Joe Biden, a statesman who has been in the senate LONGER THAN MCCAIN. Where Obama was weak, Biden is strong. They will work well together to move this country out of the pit the Republican's have dug.

McCain is a 72 year old 4 time cancer survivor. He was shot down while serving in Vietnam. He was tortured for 5 years. He chose a first term governor as a vp. Her foreign policy experience is control of a 24,ooo person national guard. She listed the PTA on her qualifications for vp. She was for the bridge to nowhere. She was a member of a group who were working for Alaskan independence-that means she wanted Alaska to LEAVE THE UNION! Love that patriotism...
Do you really want a person with this resume a heartbeat (of a 72 year old man) from the white house?

I'd put the bet on Biden any day of the week. Let the crazy sessionist soccer mom get about 15 years more of experience before putting her in this position.

I wonder if the Republicans really believe we are so stupid to vote for them just because they role out "TERRORISTS ARE GONNA GET YOU." Meanwhile our economy is tanking, gas is over $3.50 a gallon and our soldiers are dying in a war that should never have been in the first place. A family member of mine is going for a third tour in Iraq...

I know where my vote is going, do you?

Molly mooching yogurt

Molly mooching yogurt