Sunday, August 14, 2011

Howdy ho Neighborronies!

Hey campers, the great Booty is back. After 6 months of unemployment, I am finally working again! It's part time but I'm ok with it. It's a local company that does mainly progressive, liberal, democratic and community printing. Tons of t-shirts, stickers, bumper stickers, buttons, colroplast, etc. Old fashioned screen printing-squeegie and all! To check out their products, go to and Pretty cool stuff!

Let's see, what else have I been up too... I did Tucson Fashion Week with my bags. Interesting but no sales. Ok exposure but I dont think I would do it again. Really need a venue more like a farmers market or a craft fair. I have been busy making model horse cinches. I am gaining a good reputation for high qualitiy and durability. I'm now making them for several top name tack makers and they are recommending me to others. So, I have 13 cinches on the order board right now! I think is wonderful-and a bit humbling. I guess this leads into what's on my mind today.

I have gained a wonderful friend who started a Model Horse Performance Magazine a couple years ago. I have happily become a consultant for her on the technicals of producing the magazine. To see it, go to

Now, I have never been a horn-tooter (is that a word lol?) I am honored that people are recognizing the quality of my work. I also know that I am not unique and that others are capable of tying cinches-it is not my personal realm. I see the quality of others cinches and shake my head at what I see, but I dont publicaly call them out or name names. I consider it rude and I would rather let the work speak for itself. Unfortunately, others aren't as "humble" as I. Another young lady has decided to make a product for model horses that could be deemed a "beginners project". She speaks of her work arrogantly as "fine art". When another young new hobbyist asked her questions about supplies, she shot her down saying it was a trade secret. There has been other proclamations about how she came up with her own packaging and marketing. I dont think so. Her "fine art" product came out of a 20 year old book about model horses and her packaging design idea came from a major company's package design for the same type of product.

Needless to say, the attitude kinda got to me this morning. I take pride in what I do, but I'm not prideful about it. I guess that's the difference huh? I think it was the Amish that believe in the beauty of simple things. Look at the craftsmanship of Shaker boxes. Simple lines, simple materials, but perfection in craftsmanship and execution. Even the simplest project can show the heart and soul of the maker...but I wonder if pridefulness and arrogance show as well?

1 comment:

TheKatsWhiskers said...

Hi hun, nice to see you back :)

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