Sunday, March 1, 2009

Books and Wicked Awesome Intuition!

Hey guys

Sorry I haven't written in a few days. I went shopping today. Not a big deal I know. Sticking with the axiom that there is no book better than a used book, I picked up a couple of books I'm interested in reading. One of them is Wicked. I started it when I got home. Slow start but it now has me hooked. Interesting look into the life of the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz. So far it has the Wicked Witch and Glinda the good witch as college roomies. I know, sounds silly but the way its written its intriguing.

I'm trying to take my own advise. I have vowed this year to challenge myself mentally. So, I'm reading more classics and trying to really diversify my music collection. So far, so good ;) Picked up another book titled "the Rose and the Briar" about American Ballads. It's next after Wicked. I also got the Portrait of Dorian Gray, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and the Milagro Beanfield War. I like reading the books that inspired movies. Let me be clear. Im not talking about the book of the movie of the book. I'm talking about the book before Hollywood (in a lot of cases) dumbs it down. I think when I'm done with this lot of books, I will try to find a used copy of the Odyssey. I haven't read it since college, so I am looking forward to reading it again. There is a great used book store called Bookmans, but I think its more fun if you find it randomly in a thrift store. I like thinking the book has a past. Oh, I joined a website called It's cool, after you read a book, you register it on the site and "release it to the wild". You leave it in a restaurant, on a table, in a store, on a park get the idea. It plays into my liking a book to have a past *smile*.

Going along with my own advise, I am also listening to my gut intuition. I don't know, its just strange gut feelings about stuff... and now you think that I think I'm psychic and a TOTAL WEIRDOOOO! Yeah, not so much haha! I think we are all better off listening to that little voice. There have been studies on premonition. There have been many cases where there was a disaster and the death toll was far lower than it should have been because people were late, felt sick and or just felt like they shouldn't go in that day. 9/11 has a lot of these stories. Google premonition and 9/11, it's pretty amazing.

Dont think badly of me. I am relatively normal, quiet and happy. Just remember, in the game of life, it's ALWAYS the quiet ones... *sly smile and a wink* (getting tired of colon and a parenthesis, aren't you??)

Goodnight, goodluck, and tell your loved ones you love them everyday.
and for God's sake, COMMENT already! I LIKE COMMENTS! It makes this less of an exersise in futility and more of a "contribution to the world"...

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